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WebformMessageManagerInterface.php in Webform 6.x

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  1. 8.5 src/WebformMessageManagerInterface.php




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namespace Drupal\webform;

use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;

 * Provides an interface for managing a webform's custom, default, and hard-coded messages.
interface WebformMessageManagerInterface {


  // Hardcode message or custom messages with arguments constants.


   * Admin closed.
  const ADMIN_CLOSED = 'admin_closed';

   * Admin page.
  const ADMIN_PAGE = 'admin_page';

   * Admin archived.
  const ADMIN_ARCHIVED = 'admin_archived';

   * Default submission confirmation.
  const SUBMISSION_DEFAULT_CONFIRMATION = 'submission_default_confirmation';

   * Submission updates.
  const SUBMISSION_UPDATED = 'submission_updated';

   * Submission test.
  const SUBMISSION_TEST = 'submission_test';

   * Webform not saving or sending any data.
  const FORM_SAVE_EXCEPTION = 'form_save_exception';

   * Webform not able to handle file uploads.
  const FORM_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCEPTION = 'form_file_upload_exception';

   * Handler submission test.
  const HANDLER_SUBMISSION_REQUIRED = 'handler_submission_required';


  // Configurable custom message constants with :href argument.
  // Values corresponds to admin config and webform settings
  // with *_message appended.


   * Submission previous.
  const PREVIOUS_SUBMISSION = 'previous_submission';

   * Submissions previous.
  const PREVIOUS_SUBMISSIONS = 'previous_submissions';

   * Draft pending single.
  const DRAFT_PENDING_SINGLE = 'draft_pending_single';

   * Draft pending multiple.
  const DRAFT_PENDING_MULTIPLE = 'draft_pending_multiple';


  // Configurable custom message constants.
  // Values corresponds to admin config and webform settings.


   * Webform exception.
  const FORM_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = 'form_exception_message';

   * Webform preview.
  const FORM_PREVIEW_MESSAGE = 'preview_message';

   * Webform opening.
  const FORM_OPEN_MESSAGE = 'form_open_message';

   * Webform closed.
  const FORM_CLOSE_MESSAGE = 'form_close_message';

   * Webform confidential.
  const FORM_CONFIDENTIAL_MESSAGE = 'form_confidential_message';

   * Limit user submission.
  const LIMIT_USER_MESSAGE = 'limit_user_message';

   * Limit total submission.
  const LIMIT_TOTAL_MESSAGE = 'limit_total_message';

   * Submission draft saved.
  const SUBMISSION_DRAFT_SAVED_MESSAGE = 'draft_saved_message';

   * Submission draft loaded.
  const SUBMISSION_DRAFT_LOADED_MESSAGE = 'draft_loaded_message';

   * Submission confirmation.
  const SUBMISSION_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE = 'confirmation_message';

   * Submission exception.
  const SUBMISSION_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = 'submission_exception_message';

   * Submission exception.
  const SUBMISSION_LOCKED_MESSAGE = 'submission_locked_message';

   * Template preview.
  const TEMPLATE_PREVIEW = 'template_preview';

   * Autofill.
  const AUTOFILL_MESSAGE = 'autofill_message';

   * Prepopulate source entity required.
  const PREPOPULATE_SOURCE_ENTITY_REQUIRED = 'prepopulate_source_entity_required';

   * Prepopulate source entity type.
  const PREPOPULATE_SOURCE_ENTITY_TYPE = 'prepopulate_source_entity_type';

   * Set the webform submission used for token replacement.
   * Webform and source entity will also be set using the webform submission.
   * @param \Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionInterface $webform_submission
   *   A webform submission.
  public function setWebformSubmission(WebformSubmissionInterface $webform_submission = NULL);

   * Set the webform used for custom messages and token replacement.
   * @param \Drupal\webform\WebformInterface $webform
   *   A webform.
  public function setWebform(WebformInterface $webform = NULL);

   * Set the webform source entity whose submissions are being exported.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
   *   An entity.
  public function setSourceEntity(EntityInterface $entity = NULL);

   * Get message.
   * @param string $key
   *   The name of webform settings message to be displayed.
   * @return string|bool
   *   A message or FALSE if no message is found.
  public function get($key);

   * Append inline message message to a render array.
   * @param array $build
   *   A render array.
   * @param string $key
   *   The name of webform settings message to be displayed.
   * @param string $type
   *   (optional) The message's type. Defaults to 'status'. These values are
   *   supported:
   *   - 'status'.
   *   - 'warning'.
   *   - 'error'.
   * @return array
   *   The render array with webform inline message appended.
  public function append(array $build, $key, $type = 'status');

   * Display message.
   * @param string $key
   *   The name of webform settings message to be displayed.
   * @param string $type
   *   (optional) The message's type. Defaults to 'status'. These values are
   *   supported:
   *   - 'status'.
   *   - 'warning'.
   *   - 'error'.
  public function display($key, $type = 'status');

   * Render message.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Render\Markup|null
   *   A rendered message.
  public function render($key);

   * Build message.
   * @return array
   *   A render array containing a message.
  public function build($key);

   * Log message.
   * @param string $key
   *   The name of webform settings message to be logged.
   * @param string $type
   *   (optional) The message's type. Defaults to 'warning'. These values are
   *   supported:
   *   - 'notice'.
   *   - 'warning'.
   *   - 'error'.
  public function log($key, $type = 'warning');



Namesort descending Description
WebformMessageManagerInterface Provides an interface for managing a webform's custom, default, and hard-coded messages.