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WebformEntityAccessControlHandler.php in Webform 8.5

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namespace Drupal\webform;

use Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResultReasonInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityAccessControlHandler;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityHandlerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface;
use Drupal\webform\Access\WebformAccessResult;
use Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformSourceEntityManagerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;

 * Defines the access control handler for the webform entity type.
 * @see \Drupal\webform\Entity\Webform.
class WebformEntityAccessControlHandler extends EntityAccessControlHandler implements EntityHandlerInterface {

   * The request stack.
   * @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack
  protected $requestStack;

   * The entity type manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * The webform source entity plugin manager.
   * @var \Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformSourceEntityManagerInterface
  protected $webformSourceEntityManager;

   * The webform access rules manager service.
   * @var \Drupal\webform\WebformAccessRulesManagerInterface
  protected $accessRulesManager;

   * WebformEntityAccessControlHandler constructor.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface $entity_type
   *   The entity type definition.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack $request_stack
   *   The request stack.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager
   *   The entity type manager.
   * @param \Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformSourceEntityManagerInterface $webform_source_entity_manager
   *   Webform source entity plugin manager.
   * @param \Drupal\webform\WebformAccessRulesManagerInterface $access_rules_manager
   *   Webform access rules manager service.
  public function __construct(EntityTypeInterface $entity_type, RequestStack $request_stack, EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager, WebformSourceEntityManagerInterface $webform_source_entity_manager, WebformAccessRulesManagerInterface $access_rules_manager) {
    $this->requestStack = $request_stack;
    $this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager;
    $this->webformSourceEntityManager = $webform_source_entity_manager;
    $this->accessRulesManager = $access_rules_manager;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function createInstance(ContainerInterface $container, EntityTypeInterface $entity_type) {
    return new static($entity_type, $container
      ->get('request_stack'), $container
      ->get('entity_type.manager'), $container
      ->get('plugin.manager.webform.source_entity'), $container

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function checkCreateAccess(AccountInterface $account, array $context, $entity_bundle = NULL) {

    // Check 'administer webform' and 'create webform' permissions.
    if ($account
      ->hasPermission('administer webform')) {
      return WebformAccessResult::allowed();
    elseif ($account
      ->hasPermission('create webform')) {
      return WebformAccessResult::allowed();
    else {
      return WebformAccessResult::neutral();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function checkAccess(EntityInterface $entity, $operation, AccountInterface $account) {

    /** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformInterface $entity */

    // Check 'administer webform' permission.
    if ($account
      ->hasPermission('administer webform')) {
      return WebformAccessResult::allowed();

    // Check 'administer' access rule.
    if ($account
      ->isAuthenticated()) {
      $administer_access_result = $this->accessRulesManager
        ->checkWebformAccess('administer', $account, $entity);
      if ($administer_access_result
        ->isAllowed()) {
        return $administer_access_result;
    $is_owner = (int) $account
      ->id() === (int) $entity

    // Check 'view' operation use 'submission_create' when viewing rendered
    // HTML webform or use access 'configuration' when requesting a
    // webform's configuration via REST or JSON API.
    // @see
    if ($operation === 'view') {

      // Check is current request if for HTML.
      $is_html = $this->requestStack
        ->getRequestFormat() === 'html';

      // Make sure JSON API 1.x requests format which is 'html' is
      // detected properly.
      // @see
      $is_jsonapi = strpos($this->requestStack
        ->getPathInfo(), '/jsonapi/') === 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if ($is_html && !$is_jsonapi) {
        $access_result = $this->accessRulesManager
          ->checkWebformAccess('create', $account, $entity);
      else {
        if ($account
          ->hasPermission('access any webform configuration') || $account
          ->hasPermission('access own webform configuration') && $is_owner) {
          $access_result = WebformAccessResult::allowed($entity, TRUE);
        else {
          $access_result = $this->accessRulesManager
            ->checkWebformAccess('configuration', $account, $entity);
      if ($access_result instanceof AccessResultReasonInterface) {
          ->setReason('Access to webform configuration is required.');
      return $access_result

    // Check if 'update', or 'delete' of 'own' or 'any' webform is allowed.
    if ($account
      ->isAuthenticated()) {
      switch ($operation) {
        case 'test':
        case 'update':
          if ($account
            ->hasPermission('edit any webform') || $account
            ->hasPermission('edit own webform') && $is_owner) {
            return WebformAccessResult::allowed($entity, TRUE);
        case 'duplicate':
          if ($account
            ->hasPermission('create webform') && ($entity
            ->isTemplate() || ($account
            ->hasPermission('edit any webform') || $account
            ->hasPermission('edit own webform') && $is_owner))) {
            return WebformAccessResult::allowed($entity, TRUE);
        case 'delete':
          if ($account
            ->hasPermission('delete any webform') || $account
            ->hasPermission('delete own webform') && $is_owner) {
            return WebformAccessResult::allowed($entity, TRUE);

    // Check webform access rules.
    $rules_access_result = $this->accessRulesManager
      ->checkWebformAccess($operation, $account, $entity);
    if ($rules_access_result
      ->isAllowed()) {
      return $rules_access_result;

    // Check submission_* operation.
    if (strpos($operation, 'submission_') === 0) {

      // Grant user with administer webform submission access to do whatever he
      // likes on the submission operations.
      if ($account
        ->hasPermission('administer webform submission')) {
        return WebformAccessResult::allowed();

      // Allow users with 'view any webform submission' or
      // 'administer webform submission' to view all submissions.
      if ($operation === 'submission_view_any' && ($account
        ->hasPermission('view any webform submission') || $account
        ->hasPermission('administer webform submission'))) {
        return WebformAccessResult::allowed();

      // Allow users with 'view own webform submission' to view own submissions.
      if ($operation === 'submission_view_own' && $account
        ->hasPermission('view own webform submission')) {
        return WebformAccessResult::allowed();

      // Allow users with 'edit any webform submission' to update any submissions.
      if ($operation === 'submission_update_any' && $account
        ->hasPermission('edit any webform submission')) {
        return WebformAccessResult::allowed();

      // Allow users with 'edit own webform submission' to update own submissions.
      if ($operation === 'submission_update_own' && $account
        ->hasPermission('edit own webform submission')) {
        return WebformAccessResult::allowed();
      if (in_array($operation, [
      ])) {

        /** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionStorageInterface $submission_storage */
        $submission_storage = $this->entityTypeManager

        // Check limit total unique access.
        // @see \Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionForm::setEntity
        if ($entity
          ->getSetting('limit_total_unique')) {
          $source_entity = $this->webformSourceEntityManager
          $last_submission = $submission_storage
            ->getLastSubmission($entity, $source_entity, NULL, [
            'in_draft' => FALSE,
          if ($last_submission && $last_submission
            ->access('update')) {
            return WebformAccessResult::allowed($last_submission);

        // Check limit user unique access.
        // @see \Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionForm::setEntity
        if ($entity
          ->getSetting('limit_user_unique')) {

          // Require user to be authenticated to access a unique submission.
          if (!$account
            ->isAuthenticated()) {
            return WebformAccessResult::forbidden($entity);
          $source_entity = $this->webformSourceEntityManager
          $last_submission = $submission_storage
            ->getLastSubmission($entity, $source_entity, $account, [
            'in_draft' => FALSE,
          if ($last_submission && $last_submission
            ->access('update')) {
            return WebformAccessResult::allowed($last_submission);

        // Allow (secure) token to bypass submission page and create access controls.
        $token = $this->requestStack
        if ($token && $entity
          ->isOpen()) {
          $source_entity = $this->webformSourceEntityManager
          if ($submission = $submission_storage
            ->loadFromToken($token, $entity, $source_entity)) {
            return WebformAccessResult::allowed($submission)

      // The "page" operation is the same as "create" but requires that the
      // Webform is allowed to be displayed as dedicated page.
      // Used by the 'entity.webform.canonical' route.
      if ($operation === 'submission_page') {

        // Completely block access to a template if the user can't create new
        // Webforms.
        $create_access = $entity
          ->access('create', $account, TRUE);
        if ($entity
          ->isTemplate() && !$create_access
          ->isAllowed()) {
          return WebformAccessResult::forbidden($entity)

        // Block access if the webform does not have a page URL.
        if (!$entity
          ->getSetting('page')) {
          $source_entity = $this->webformSourceEntityManager
          if (!$source_entity) {
            return WebformAccessResult::forbidden($entity);

      // Convert submission 'page' to corresponding 'create' access rule.
      $submission_operation = str_replace('submission_page', 'submission_create', $operation);

      // Remove 'submission_*' prefix.
      $submission_operation = str_replace('submission_', '', $submission_operation);

      // Check webform submission access rules.
      $submission_access_result = $this->accessRulesManager
        ->checkWebformAccess($submission_operation, $account, $entity);
      if ($submission_access_result
        ->isAllowed()) {
        return $submission_access_result;

      // Check webform 'update' access.
      $update_access_result = $this
        ->checkAccess($entity, 'update', $account);
      if ($update_access_result
        ->isAllowed()) {
        return $update_access_result;

    // NOTE: Not calling parent::checkAccess().
    // @see \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityAccessControlHandler::checkAccess
    if ($operation === 'delete' && $entity
      ->isNew()) {
      return WebformAccessResult::forbidden($entity);
    else {
      return WebformAccessResult::neutral($entity);



Namesort descending Description
WebformEntityAccessControlHandler Defines the access control handler for the webform entity type.