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8 methods override WebformHandlerBase::create() in Webform 6.x

ActionWebformHandler::create in src/Plugin/WebformHandler/ActionWebformHandler.php
IMPORTANT: Webform handlers are initialized and serialized when they are attached to a webform. Make sure not include any services as a dependency injection that directly connect to the database. This will prevent "LogicException: The database…
DebugWebformHandler::create in src/Plugin/WebformHandler/DebugWebformHandler.php
IMPORTANT: Webform handlers are initialized and serialized when they are attached to a webform. Make sure not include any services as a dependency injection that directly connect to the database. This will prevent "LogicException: The database…
EmailWebformHandler::create in src/Plugin/WebformHandler/EmailWebformHandler.php
IMPORTANT: Webform handlers are initialized and serialized when they are attached to a webform. Make sure not include any services as a dependency injection that directly connect to the database. This will prevent "LogicException: The database…
ExampleWebformHandler::create in modules/webform_example_handler/src/Plugin/WebformHandler/ExampleWebformHandler.php
IMPORTANT: Webform handlers are initialized and serialized when they are attached to a webform. Make sure not include any services as a dependency injection that directly connect to the database. This will prevent "LogicException: The database…
OptionsLimitWebformHandler::create in modules/webform_options_limit/src/Plugin/WebformHandler/OptionsLimitWebformHandler.php
IMPORTANT: Webform handlers are initialized and serialized when they are attached to a webform. Make sure not include any services as a dependency injection that directly connect to the database. This will prevent "LogicException: The database…
RemotePostWebformHandler::create in src/Plugin/WebformHandler/RemotePostWebformHandler.php
IMPORTANT: Webform handlers are initialized and serialized when they are attached to a webform. Make sure not include any services as a dependency injection that directly connect to the database. This will prevent "LogicException: The database…
SettingsWebformHandler::create in src/Plugin/WebformHandler/SettingsWebformHandler.php
IMPORTANT: Webform handlers are initialized and serialized when they are attached to a webform. Make sure not include any services as a dependency injection that directly connect to the database. This will prevent "LogicException: The database…
TestEntityMappingWebformHandler::create in tests/modules/webform_test_handler/src/Plugin/WebformHandler/TestEntityMappingWebformHandler.php
IMPORTANT: Webform handlers are initialized and serialized when they are attached to a webform. Make sure not include any services as a dependency injection that directly connect to the database. This will prevent "LogicException: The database…