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10 calls to WebformElementBase::getFormInlineContainer() in Webform 6.x

Checkboxes::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/Checkboxes.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
DateBase::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/DateBase.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
DateTime::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/DateTime.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
NumericBase::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/NumericBase.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
OptionsBase::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/OptionsBase.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
Range::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/Range.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformElementBase::form in src/Plugin/WebformElementBase.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformHeight::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformHeight.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformScale::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformScale.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformTime::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformTime.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.