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30 calls to WebformElementBase::form() in Webform 6.x

BooleanBase::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/BooleanBase.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
Captcha::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/Captcha.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
Color::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/Color.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
ContainerBase::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/ContainerBase.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
DateBase::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/DateBase.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
NumericBase::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/NumericBase.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
OptionsBase::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/OptionsBase.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
PasswordConfirm::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/PasswordConfirm.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
Table::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/Table.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
TextBase::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/TextBase.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
TextFormat::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/TextFormat.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
VerticalTabs::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/VerticalTabs.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformAttachmentBase::form in modules/webform_attachment/src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformAttachmentBase.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformCodeMirror::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformCodeMirror.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformCompositeBase::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformCompositeBase.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformComputedBase::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformComputedBase.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformElementBase::buildConfigurationForm in src/Plugin/WebformElementBase.php
Form constructor.
WebformExampleElement::form in modules/webform_example_element/src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformExampleElement.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformHeight::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformHeight.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformHorizontalRule::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformHorizontalRule.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformLikert::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformLikert.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformManagedFileBase::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformManagedFileBase.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformMapping::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformMapping.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformMarkupBase::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformMarkupBase.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformSignature::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformSignature.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformTable::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformTable.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformTableRow::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformTableRow.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformTestElementProperties::form in tests/modules/webform_test_element/src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformTestElementProperties.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformTime::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformTime.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.
WebformVariant::form in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformVariant.php
Gets the actual configuration webform array to be built.