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public function WebformManagedFileBase::prepare in Webform 6.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.5 src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformManagedFileBase.php \Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformElement\WebformManagedFileBase::prepare()

Prepare an element to be rendered within a webform.


array $element: An element.

\Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionInterface $webform_submission: A webform submission. Webform submission is optional since it is not used by composite sub elements.

Overrides WebformElementBase::prepare

See also


1 call to WebformManagedFileBase::prepare()
WebformImageFile::prepare in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformImageFile.php
Prepare an element to be rendered within a webform.
1 method overrides WebformManagedFileBase::prepare()
WebformImageFile::prepare in src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformImageFile.php
Prepare an element to be rendered within a webform.


src/Plugin/WebformElement/WebformManagedFileBase.php, line 193


Provides a base class webform 'managed_file' elements.




public function prepare(array &$element, WebformSubmissionInterface $webform_submission = NULL) {

  // Track if this element has been processed because the work-around below
  // for 'Issue #2705471: Webform states File fields' which nests the
  // 'managed_file' element in a basic container, which triggers this element
  // to processed a second time.
  if (!empty($element['#webform_managed_file_processed'])) {
  $element['#webform_managed_file_processed'] = TRUE;

  // Must come after #element_validate hook is defined.
  parent::prepare($element, $webform_submission);

  // Check if the URI scheme exists and can be used the upload location.
  $scheme_options = static::getVisibleStreamWrappers();
  $uri_scheme = $this
  if (!isset($scheme_options[$uri_scheme])) {
    $element['#access'] = FALSE;
  elseif ($webform_submission) {
    $element['#upload_location'] = $this
      ->getUploadLocation($element, $webform_submission

  // Get file limit.
  if ($webform_submission) {
    $file_limit = $webform_submission
      ->getSetting('form_file_limit') ?: $this->configFactory
      ->get('settings.default_form_file_limit') ?: '';
  else {
    $file_limit = '';

  // Validate callbacks.
  $element_validate = [];

  // Convert File entities into file ids (akk fids).
  $element_validate[] = [

  // Check file upload limit.
  if ($file_limit) {
    $element_validate[] = [

  // NOTE: Using array_splice() to make sure that static::validateManagedFile
  // is executed before all other validation hooks are executed but after
  // \Drupal\file\Element\ManagedFile::validateManagedFile.
  array_splice($element['#element_validate'], 1, 0, $element_validate);

  // Upload validators.
  // @see webform_preprocess_file_upload_help
  $element['#upload_validators']['file_validate_size'] = [
  $element['#upload_validators']['file_validate_extensions'] = [

  // Define 'webform_file_validate_extensions' which allows file
  // extensions within webforms to be comma-delimited. The
  // 'webform_file_validate_extensions' will be ignored by file_validate().
  // @see file_validate()
  // Issue #3136578: Comma-separate the list of allowed file extensions.
  // @see
  $element['#upload_validators']['webform_file_validate_extensions'] = [];
  $element['#upload_validators']['webform_file_validate_name_length'] = [];

  // Add file upload help to the element as #description, #help, or #more.
  // Copy upload validator so that we can add webform's file limit to
  // file upload help only.
  $upload_validators = $element['#upload_validators'];
  if ($file_limit) {
    $upload_validators['webform_file_limit'] = [
  $file_upload_help = [
    '#theme' => 'file_upload_help',
    '#upload_validators' => $upload_validators,
    '#cardinality' => empty($element['#multiple']) ? 1 : $element['#multiple'],
  $file_help = isset($element['#file_help']) ? $element['#file_help'] : 'description';
  if ($file_help !== 'none') {
    if (isset($element["#{$file_help}"])) {
      if (is_array($element["#{$file_help}"])) {
        $file_help_content = $element["#{$file_help}"];
      else {
        $file_help_content = [
          '#markup' => $element["#{$file_help}"],
      $file_help_content += [
        '#suffix' => '<br/>',
      $element["#{$file_help}"] = [
        'content' => $file_help_content,
    else {
      $element["#{$file_help}"] = [];
    $element["#{$file_help}"]['file_upload_help'] = $file_upload_help;

  // Issue #2705471: Webform states File fields.
  // Workaround: Wrap the 'managed_file' element in a basic container.
  if (!empty($element['#prefix'])) {
    $container = [
      '#prefix' => $element['#prefix'],
      '#suffix' => $element['#suffix'],
    unset($element['#prefix'], $element['#suffix']);
    $container[$element['#webform_key']] = $element + [
      '#webform_managed_file_processed' => TRUE,
    $element = $container;

  // Add process callback.
  // Set element's #process callback so that is not replaced by
  // additional #process callbacks.
    ->setElementDefaultCallback($element, 'process');
  $element['#process'][] = [

  // Add managed file upload tracking.
  if ($this->moduleHandler
    ->moduleExists('file')) {
    $element['#attached']['library'][] = 'webform/webform.element.managed_file';