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7 calls to WebformCompositeBase::getInfo() in Webform 8.5

WebformAddress::getInfo in src/Element/WebformAddress.php
Returns the element properties for this element.
WebformContact::getInfo in src/Element/WebformContact.php
Returns the element properties for this element.
WebformExampleComposite::getInfo in modules/webform_example_composite/src/Element/WebformExampleComposite.php
Returns the element properties for this element.
WebformLink::getInfo in src/Element/WebformLink.php
Returns the element properties for this element.
WebformLocationBase::getInfo in src/Element/WebformLocationBase.php
Returns the element properties for this element.
WebformName::getInfo in src/Element/WebformName.php
Returns the element properties for this element.
WebformTelephone::getInfo in src/Element/WebformTelephone.php
Returns the element properties for this element.