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namespace Drupal\webform\Element in Webform 6.x

Same name in other branches
  1. 8.5 Drupal\webform\Element
Classsort descending Location Description
Webform src/Element/Webform.php Provides a render element to display a webform.
WebformActions src/Element/WebformActions.php Provides a wrapper element to group one or more Webform buttons in a form.
WebformAddress src/Element/WebformAddress.php Provides a webform element for an address element.
WebformAjaxElementTrait src/Element/WebformAjaxElementTrait.php Trait for ajax element support.
WebformAudioFile src/Element/WebformAudioFile.php Provides a webform element for an 'audio_file' element.
WebformAutocomplete src/Element/WebformAutocomplete.php Provides a one-line text field with autocompletion webform element.
WebformCheckboxesOther src/Element/WebformCheckboxesOther.php Provides a webform element for checkboxes with an other option.
WebformCheckboxValue src/Element/WebformCheckboxValue.php Provides a webform element for checking a box before entering a value.
WebformCodeMirror src/Element/WebformCodeMirror.php Provides a webform element for using CodeMirror.
WebformCompositeBase src/Element/WebformCompositeBase.php Provides an base composite webform element.
WebformCompositeFormElementTrait src/Element/WebformCompositeFormElementTrait.php Trait for webform composite form elements.
WebformCompositeInterface src/Element/WebformCompositeInterface.php Defines an interface for webform composite element.
WebformComputedBase src/Element/WebformComputedBase.php Provides a base class for 'webform_computed' elements.
WebformComputedInterface src/Element/WebformComputedInterface.php Defines an interface for webform computed element.
WebformComputedToken src/Element/WebformComputedToken.php Provides an item to display computed webform submission values using tokens.
WebformComputedTwig src/Element/WebformComputedTwig.php Provides an item to display computed webform submission values using Twig.
WebformContact src/Element/WebformContact.php Provides a webform element for a contact element.
WebformCustomComposite src/Element/WebformCustomComposite.php Provides a webform custom composite element.
WebformDocumentFile src/Element/WebformDocumentFile.php Provides a webform element for an 'document_file' element.
WebformElementAttributes src/Element/WebformElementAttributes.php Provides a webform element for element attributes.
WebformElementComposite src/Element/WebformElementComposite.php Provides a element for the composite elements.
WebformElementMultiple src/Element/WebformElementMultiple.php Provides a webform element for element multiple property.
WebformElementOptions src/Element/WebformElementOptions.php Provides a form element for managing webform element options.
WebformElementStates src/Element/WebformElementStates.php Provides a webform element to edit an element's #states.
WebformEmailConfirm src/Element/WebformEmailConfirm.php Provides a webform element requiring users to double-element and confirm an email address.
WebformEmailMultiple src/Element/WebformEmailMultiple.php Provides a webform element for entering multiple comma delimited email addresses.
WebformEntityCheckboxes src/Element/WebformEntityCheckboxes.php Provides a webform element for a entity checkboxes.
WebformEntityRadios src/Element/WebformEntityRadios.php Provides a webform element for a entity radios.
WebformEntitySelect src/Element/WebformEntitySelect.php Provides a webform element for a entity select menu.
WebformEntityTrait src/Element/WebformEntityTrait.php Trait for entity reference elements.
WebformExcludedBase src/Element/WebformExcludedBase.php Provides a base webform element for webform excluded elements and columns.
WebformExcludedColumns src/Element/WebformExcludedColumns.php Provides a webform element for webform excluded columns (submission field and elements).
WebformExcludedElements src/Element/WebformExcludedElements.php Provides a webform element for webform excluded elements.
WebformFlexbox src/Element/WebformFlexbox.php Provides a render element for webform flexbox.
WebformHeight src/Element/WebformHeight.php Provides a webform height element.
WebformHelp src/Element/WebformHelp.php Provides a render element for help (tooltip).
WebformHorizontalRule src/Element/WebformHorizontalRule.php Provides a render element for horizontal rule.
WebformHtmlEditor src/Element/WebformHtmlEditor.php Provides a webform element for entering HTML using CodeMirror, TextFormat, or custom CKEditor.
WebformImageFile src/Element/WebformImageFile.php Provides a webform element for an 'image_file' element.
WebformImageResolution src/Element/WebformImageResolution.php Provides a webform image resolution element .
WebformLikert src/Element/WebformLikert.php Provides a webform element for a likert scale.
WebformLink src/Element/WebformLink.php Provides a webform element for a link.
WebformLocationBase src/Element/WebformLocationBase.php Provides a webform base element for a location element.
WebformLocationPlaces src/Element/WebformLocationPlaces.php Provides a webform element for a location places element.
WebformMapping src/Element/WebformMapping.php Provides a mapping element.
WebformMarkup src/Element/WebformMarkup.php Provides a render element for webform markup.
WebformMessage src/Element/WebformMessage.php Provides a render element for message.
WebformMore src/Element/WebformMore.php Provides a render element for more.
WebformMultiple src/Element/WebformMultiple.php Provides a webform element to assist in creation of multiple elements.
WebformName src/Element/WebformName.php Provides a webform element for an name element.
WebformOptions src/Element/WebformOptions.php Provides a webform element to assist in creation of options.
WebformOtherBase src/Element/WebformOtherBase.php Base class for webform other element.
WebformPermissions src/Element/WebformPermissions.php Provides a webform roles (select) element.
WebformRadiosOther src/Element/WebformRadiosOther.php Provides a webform element for radio buttons with an other option.
WebformRating src/Element/WebformRating.php Provides a webform element for entering a rating.
WebformRoles src/Element/WebformRoles.php Provides a webform roles (checkboxes) element.
WebformSame src/Element/WebformSame.php Provides a webform element for managing same as.
WebformScale src/Element/WebformScale.php Provides a webform element for a scale (1-5).
WebformSection src/Element/WebformSection.php Provides a render element for a section/group of form elements.
WebformSelectOther src/Element/WebformSelectOther.php Provides a webform element for a select menu with an other option.
WebformSignature src/Element/WebformSignature.php Provides a webform element for entering a signature.
WebformSubmissionInformation src/Element/WebformSubmissionInformation.php Provides a render element to display webform submission information.
WebformSubmissionNavigation src/Element/WebformSubmissionNavigation.php Provides a render element to display webform submission navigation.
WebformSubmissionViews src/Element/WebformSubmissionViews.php Provides a form element for selecting webform submission views.
WebformSubmissionViewsReplace src/Element/WebformSubmissionViewsReplace.php Provides a form element for selecting webform submission views replacement routes.
WebformTable src/Element/WebformTable.php Provides a render element for webform table.
WebformTableRow src/Element/WebformTableRow.php Provides a render element for webform table row.
WebformTableSelectSort src/Element/WebformTableSelectSort.php Provides a webform element for a sortable tableselect element.
WebformTableSort src/Element/WebformTableSort.php Provides a webform element for a sortable table element.
WebformTelephone src/Element/WebformTelephone.php Provides a webform element for a telephone element.
WebformTermCheckboxes src/Element/WebformTermCheckboxes.php Provides a webform element for term checkboxes.
WebformTermReferenceTrait src/Element/WebformTermReferenceTrait.php Trait for term reference elements.
WebformTermSelect src/Element/WebformTermSelect.php Provides a webform element for a term select menu.
WebformTermsOfService src/Element/WebformTermsOfService.php Provides a webform terms of service element.
WebformTime src/Element/WebformTime.php Provides a webform element for time selection.
WebformUsers src/Element/WebformUsers.php Provides a users entity reference webform element.
WebformVariant src/Element/WebformVariant.php Provides a webform variant element.
WebformVideoFile src/Element/WebformVideoFile.php Provides a webform element for an 'video_file' element.
WebformWizardPage src/Element/WebformWizardPage.php Provides a webform element for a webform 'wizard' page.