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namespace Drupal\webform\Access in Webform 6.x

Same name in other branches
  1. 8.5 Drupal\webform\Access
Classsort descending Location Description
WebformAccessResult src/Access/WebformAccessResult.php Value object indicating an allowed access result, with cacheability metadata.
WebformAccountAccess src/Access/WebformAccountAccess.php Defines the custom access control handler for the user accounts.
WebformEntityAccess src/Access/WebformEntityAccess.php Defines the custom access control handler for the webform entities.
WebformHandlerAccess src/Access/WebformHandlerAccess.php Defines the custom access control handler for the webform handlers.
WebformSourceEntityAccess src/Access/WebformSourceEntityAccess.php Defines the custom access control handler for the webform source entities.
WebformSubmissionAccess src/Access/WebformSubmissionAccess.php Defines the custom access control handler for the webform submission entities.
WebformVariantAccess src/Access/WebformVariantAccess.php Defines the custom access control variant for the webform variants.