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WebformShareVariantTest.php in Webform 8.5


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namespace Drupal\Tests\webform_share\Functional;

use Drupal\Tests\webform\Functional\WebformBrowserTestBase;
use Drupal\webform_share\Element\WebformShareIframe;

 * Webform share variant test.
 * @group webform_share
class WebformShareVariantTest extends WebformBrowserTestBase {

   * Webforms to load.
   * @var array
  protected static $testWebforms = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * Test variant.
  public function testVariant() {
    $library = WebformShareIframe::LIBRARY;
    $version = WebformShareIframe::VERSION;

    // Enable enable share for all webforms.
    $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
      ->set('settings.default_share', TRUE)


    // Check default letter and number.

    // Check variant letter [A] and number [1].
      ->drupalGet("/webform/test_variant_multiple/share/{$library}/{$version}", [
      'query' => [
        '_webform_variant' => [
          'letter' => 'a',
          'number' => 1,

    // Check variant letter [A] and number [1].
      ->drupalGet("/webform/test_variant_multiple/share/{$library}/{$version}", [
      'query' => [
        'letter' => 'a',
        'number' => 1,

    // Check variant randomize script is attached to shared page.
    // @see _webform_page_attachments()
      ->assertRaw('var variants = {"letter":["a","b"]};');



Namesort descending Description
WebformShareVariantTest Webform share variant test.