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78 calls to _webform_update_admin_settings() in Webform 6.x

WebformAdminConfigAdvancedForm::submitForm in src/Form/AdminConfig/WebformAdminConfigAdvancedForm.php
Form submission handler.
WebformCliService::drush_webform_repair in src/Commands/WebformCliService.php
webform_update_8007 in includes/
Issue #2840521: Add support for global CSS and JS.
webform_update_8009 in includes/
Issue #2844020: Add admin and form specific setting to allow submit button to be clicked only once.
webform_update_8010 in includes/
Issue #2843400: Automated purging of submissions.
webform_update_8012 in includes/
Issue #2845776: Improve #multiple handling.
webform_update_8015 in includes/
Issue #2850247: Experiment with system tray integration.
webform_update_8018 in includes/
Issue #2850885: Add ability to disable autocomplete for form and/or element.
webform_update_8022 in includes/
Issue #2858246: Enhance checkboxes and radios using iCheck.
webform_update_8024 in includes/
Issue #2861651: Add Opened and Closed Messages.
webform_update_8028 in includes/
Issue #2859528: Add reply-to and return-path to email handler.
webform_update_8029 in includes/
Issue #2856842: Allow emails to be sent to selected roles.
webform_update_8034 in includes/
Issue #2865353: Improve submission log integration.
webform_update_8038 in includes/
Issue #2870218: Improve External Library Management.
webform_update_8043 in includes/
Issue #2874555: Add "How can we help you?" link to the Webform module admin pages.
webform_update_8044 in includes/
Issue #2872464: MultiStep Preview Page - change the Page Title and Progress Bar Title.
webform_update_8046 in includes/
Issue #2878193: Allow actions (aka submit buttons) to be placed anywhere on a webform.
webform_update_8047 in includes/
Issue #2879217: Allow WebformHandlers and WebformExporters to be excluded.
webform_update_8048 in includes/
Issue #2879421: Cleanup webform.settings.
webform_update_8051 in includes/
Issue #2885183: Add support for customized webform submission labels.
webform_update_8052 in includes/
Issue #2886173: Ability to have no empty option on a select element.
webform_update_8055 in includes/
Issue #2887078: Allows preview page to customized.
webform_update_8056 in includes/
Issue #2887443: Default to and from email settings missing and not used.
webform_update_8058 in includes/
Issue #2888076: Redirect users to login page when trying to access a protected webform file.
webform_update_8064 in includes/
Issue #2878193: Allow actions (aka submit buttons) to be placed anywhere on a webform.
webform_update_8067 in includes/
Issue #2893147: Allow empty element label to be customized.
webform_update_8068 in includes/
Issue #2896667: Add Reset button.
webform_update_8070 in includes/
Issue #2895809: Promote partnerships within the Webform module.
webform_update_8074 in includes/
Issue #2906292: Display element description as help text (tooltip).
webform_update_8077 in includes/
Issue #2909723: Improve hook requirements.
webform_update_8078 in includes/
Issue #2906792: Sender and Return-path headers are not used correctly.
webform_update_8080 in includes/
Issue #2914153: Add 'More' hide/show text support to elements.
webform_update_8083 in includes/
Issue #2914904: Add section element.
webform_update_8084 in includes/
Issue #2917174: Improve "Webform Scheduled Email Handler".
webform_update_8088 in includes/
Issue #2919989: Add horizontal rule element.
webform_update_8090 in includes/
Issue #2920443: Browser Back Button to submit to previous wizard page.
webform_update_8091 in includes/
Issue #2923047: Redirect to user login when Access Denied for a Webform.
webform_update_8092 in includes/
Issue #2915653: Remote post error handling.
webform_update_8099 in includes/
Issue #2888862: Provide a mechanism to lock a webform submission.
webform_update_8102 in includes/
Issue #2939828: Allow site builder to display required indicator on all webforms or a specified webform.
webform_update_8104 in includes/
Issue #2940490: Autofill webform with previous submission data.
webform_update_8107 in includes/
Issue #2934970: Fully support for inline error form.
webform_update_8122 in includes/
Issue #2952419: Attached files are deleted without usage checking.
webform_update_8125 in includes/
Issue #2966507: Start-to-finish documentation for showing Webforms in modals.
webform_update_8126 in includes/
Issue #2973377: Make the previously saved messages customizable.
webform_update_8127 in includes/
Issue #2974597: Enable default publishing status of new webforms.
webform_update_8129 in includes/
Issue #2977378: Add 'exclude unselected checkboxes' from email notification and preview.
webform_update_8132 in includes/
Issue #2980276: Webform assumes the /tmp directory is always the same, but if there are multiple servers, each may have its own /tmp directory.
webform_update_8134 in includes/
Issue #2984348: Link to relevant wizard page on preview.
webform_update_8137 in includes/
Issue #2983137: WYSIWYG editor not saving inline images for advanced html/text editor.
webform_update_8138 in includes/
Issue #2947303: Location element's geocomplete library is not supported.
webform_update_8140 in includes/
Issue #2994411: Allow help to be hidden.
webform_update_8141 in includes/
Issue #2993327: Provide Default View to Override Submission Results Tab.
webform_update_8143 in includes/
Issue #2943879: How to display alternate text when the user is not allowed to create a Webform?
webform_update_8145 in includes/
Issue #3002183: Upload Total Limit instead of Upload File limit.
webform_update_8163 in includes/
Issue #2902977: Provide tool for importing submissions from a CSV document.
webform_update_8164 in includes/
Issue #3050884: Allow draft(s) previous message to be customized.
webform_update_8165 in includes/
Issue #3053420: Allows Ajax visual effects to be customized.
webform_update_8171 in includes/
Issue #3066994: Form elements keys (machine name) to be in all cases not just lowercase.
webform_update_8172 in includes/
Issue #3073995: Setting to enable ajax on all webforms.
webform_update_8178 in includes/
Issue #3095275: Allow webform management category/state to be customized.
webform_update_8184 in includes/
Issue #3094270: Add webform variants support.
webform_update_8189 in includes/
Issue #3108433: Allow users to personalize the submission list.
webform_update_8193 in includes/
Issue #3137964: Make it easier to embed/share a webform.
webform_update_8197 in includes/
Issue #3144962: Webform cards.
webform_update_8201 in includes/
Issue #3165395: Improve delete button handling.
webform_update_8202 in includes/
Issue #3152884: Clientside validation with AJAX.
webform_update_8204 in includes/
Issue #3166236: Make "next_serial" optional.
webform_update_8206 in includes/
Issue #3166827: Make the "Webforms" menu item a top-level toolbar item.
webform_update_8212 in includes/
Issue #000000: Add support options to help and add-ons.
webform_update_8213 in includes/
Issue #3220703: Add support for bulk operations on webform entities.
webform_update_8603 in includes/
Issue #3088780: Add the ability to disable user IP tracking for all forms.
webform_update_8605 in includes/
Issue #3144962: Webform cards.
webform_update_8610 in includes/
Issue #3165395: Improve delete button handling.
webform_update_8611 in includes/
Issue #3152884: Clientside validation with AJAX.
webform_update_8613 in includes/
Issue #3166236: Make "next_serial" optional.
webform_update_8616 in includes/
Issue #3166827: Make the "Webforms" menu item a top-level toolbar item.
webform_update_8623 in includes/
Issue #3220703: Add support for bulk operations on webform entities.