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private function ParserTest::weatherGetWeather in Weather 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.0.x tests/src/Functional/ParserTest.php \Drupal\Tests\weather\Functional\ParserTest::weatherGetWeather()

Returns a weather object for the specified GeoID.


string $geoid: GeoID of the place for which the weather is desired.

int $days: Return weather for specified number of days (0 = all available days).

bool $detailed: Return detailed forecasts or just one forecast per day.

Return value

array Weather array with forecast information.



2 calls to ParserTest::weatherGetWeather()
ParserTest::getInfoAboutForecast in tests/src/Functional/ParserTest.php
Internal helper function for getting information about a forecast.
ParserTest::testDifferentDaysOfForecasts in tests/src/Functional/ParserTest.php
Test the parser with different days of forecast data.


tests/src/Functional/ParserTest.php, line 402


Tests parsing of XML weather forecasts.




private function weatherGetWeather($geoid, $days = 0, $detailed = TRUE) {

  // Support testing of module with fixed times instead of current time.
  $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
  $time = $config

  // Get the scheduled time of next update. If there is no entry for
  // the specified GeoID, $meta will be FALSE.
  $query = \Drupal::database()
    ->select('weather_forecast_information', 'wfi');
    ->fields('wfi', [
    ->condition('wfi.geoid', $geoid, '=');
  $meta = $query
  $meta = $meta
  $current_utc_time = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time);

  // If the next scheduled download is due, try to get forecasts.
  if (!empty($meta)) {
    $meta['next_download_attempt'] = $time;
  if ($meta === FALSE or $current_utc_time >= $meta['next_download_attempt']) {
    $result = $this

    // If that worked, get the next scheduled update time.
    $query = \Drupal::database()
      ->select('weather_forecast_information', 'wfi');
      ->fields('wfi', [
      ->condition('wfi.geoid', $geoid, '=');
    $meta = $query
    $meta = $meta

    // If there is no entry yet, set up initial values.
    if ($meta === FALSE) {
      $meta['geoid'] = $geoid;
      $meta['last_update'] = $current_utc_time;
      $meta['next_update'] = $current_utc_time;
      $meta['next_download_attempt'] = $current_utc_time;
      $meta['utc_offset'] = 120;
    if (empty($meta['next_update'])) {
      $meta['next_update'] = $time;

    // The second check is needed if the download did succeed, but
    // the returned forecast is old and the next update is overdue.
    // In that case, the download attempt needs to wait as well,
    // otherwise, a new download will occur on every page load.
    if ($result == FALSE || $current_utc_time >= $meta['next_update']) {

      // The download did not succeed. Set next download attempt accordingly.
      // Calculate the UTC timestamp.
      $next_update = strtotime($meta['next_update'] . ' UTC');

      // Initial retry after 675 seconds (11.25 minutes).
      // This way, the doubling on the first day leads to exactly 86400
      // seconds (one day) update interval.
      $seconds_to_retry = 675;
      while ($next_update + $seconds_to_retry <= $time) {
        if ($seconds_to_retry < 86400) {
          $seconds_to_retry = $seconds_to_retry * 2;
        else {
          $seconds_to_retry = $seconds_to_retry + 86400;

      // Finally, calculate the UTC time of the next download attempt.
      $meta['next_download_attempt'] = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $next_update + $seconds_to_retry);
        ->condition('geoid', $meta['geoid'])

      // Write new entry.
  if (empty($meta['utc_offset'])) {
    $meta['utc_offset'] = 120;
  $return_array['forecasts'] = $this
    ->weatherGetForecastsFromDatabase($geoid, $meta['utc_offset'], $days, $detailed, $time);
  $return_array['utc_offset'] = $meta['utc_offset'];
  return $return_array;