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ParserTest.php in Weather 2.0.x

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namespace Drupal\Tests\weather\Functional;

use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;
use Drupal\weather\Entity\WeatherPlaceInterface;

 * Tests parsing of XML weather forecasts.
 * @group Weather
class ParserTest extends BrowserTestBase {
  use WeatherCommonTestTrait;

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = [

   * The tests don't need markup, so use 'stark' as theme.
   * @var string
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';

   * Try to fetch forecasts from the database.
   * @param string $geoid
   *   GeoID of the place for which the weather is desired.
   * @param string $utc_offset
   *   UTC offset of place in minutes.
   * @param int $days
   *   Return weather for specified number of days (0 = all available days).
   * @param bool $detailed
   *   Return detailed forecasts or just one forecast per day.
   * @param int $time
   *   Timestamp for which the weather should be returned. This is only
   *   needed to enable proper testing of the module.
   * @return array
   *   Weather array with forecast information.
  private function weatherGetForecastsFromDatabase($geoid, $utc_offset, $days, $detailed, $time) {

    // Fetch the first forecast. This must be done separately, because
    // sometimes the first forecast is already on the next day (this can
    // happen e.g. late in the evenings). Otherwise, the calculation of
    // 'tomorrow' would fail.
    $current_local_time = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time + $utc_offset * 60);
    $connection = \Drupal::database();
    $query = $connection
      ->select('weather_forecast', 'wfi');
      ->condition('wfi.geoid', $geoid, '=');
      ->condition('wfi.time_to', $current_local_time, '>=');
      ->fields('wfi', [
      ->range(0, 50);
    $result = $query
    $first_forecast = $result

    // If there are no forecasts available, return an empty array.
    if ($first_forecast === FALSE) {
      return [];
    $weather = $this

    // Calculate tomorrow based on result.
    $first_forecast_day = explode('-', key($weather));
    $tomorrow_local_time = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $first_forecast_day[1], $first_forecast_day[2] + 1, $first_forecast_day[0]));
    $forecasts_until_local_time = gmdate('Y-m-d 23:59:59', gmmktime(23, 59, 59, $first_forecast_day[1], $first_forecast_day[2] + $days - 1, $first_forecast_day[0]));
    if ($detailed) {

      // Fetch all available forecasts.
      if ($days > 0) {
        $query = $connection
          ->select('weather_forecast', 'wfi');
          ->condition('wfi.geoid', $geoid, '=');
          ->condition('wfi.time_to', $forecasts_until_local_time, '>=');
          ->fields('wfi', [
          ->range(0, 50);
        $result = $query
        $forecasts = $result
      else {
        $query = $connection
          ->select('weather_forecast', 'wfi');
          ->condition('wfi.geoid', $geoid, '=');
          ->condition('wfi.time_to', $current_local_time, '>=');
          ->fields('wfi', [
          ->range(0, 50);
        $result = $query
        $forecasts = $result
      $weather = $this
    else {
      if ($days > 1) {
        $query = $connection
          ->select('weather_forecast', 'wfi');
          ->condition('wfi.geoid', $geoid, '=');
          ->condition('wfi.time_from', $tomorrow_local_time, '>=');
          ->condition('wfi.time_to', $forecasts_until_local_time, '>=');
          ->fields('wfi', [
          ->range(0, 50);
        $result = $query
        $forecasts = $result
        $weather = array_merge($weather, $this
      elseif ($days == 0) {
        $query = $connection
          ->select('weather_forecast', 'wfi');
          ->condition('wfi.geoid', $geoid, '=');
          ->condition('wfi.time_from', $tomorrow_local_time, '>=');
          ->fields('wfi', [
          ->range(0, 50);
        $result = $query
        $forecasts = $result
        $weather = array_merge($weather, $this
    return $weather;

   * Handle updates to the weather_places table.
  public function weatherUpdatePlaces($fc) {

    // Extract GeoID and latitude/longitude of returned XML data.
    // This might differ from the data we have in the database. An example
    // was Heraklion (ID 261745), which got the forecast for
    // Nomós Irakleíou (ID 261741).
    // Data to extract are:
    // geoid, latitude, longitude, country, name.
    $place['geoid'] = $fc->location->location['geobase'] . "_" . $fc->location->location['geobaseid'];
    $place['latitude'] = (string) $fc->location->location['latitude'];
    $place['latitude'] = round($place['latitude'], 5);
    $place['longitude'] = (string) $fc->location->location['longitude'];
    $place['longitude'] = round($place['longitude'], 5);
    $place['country'] = (string) $fc->location->country;
    $place['name'] = (string) $fc->location->name;
    $url = (string) $fc->credit->link['url'];

    // Remove "" from the URL.
    // fixme: not reliable in case we have https;//... at the beginning.
    $link = substr($url, 23);

    // Split by slashes and remove country (first item)
    // and "forecast.xml" (last item)
    $link_parts = explode('/', $link);

    // Remove country.

    // Remove "forecast.xml".
    $place['link'] = implode('/', $link_parts);

    // Fetch stored information about geoid.
    $info = $this

    // If the geoid is not in the database, add it.
    if ($info === FALSE) {
      $place['status'] = 'added';

      // Insert the record to table.
    else {

      // Compare the stored information with the downloaded information.
      // If they differ, update the database.
      $stored_info = (array) $info;
      $diff = array_diff_assoc($stored_info, $place);
      if (!empty($diff)) {
        $place['status'] = WeatherPlaceInterface::STATUS_MODIFIED;
          ->condition('geoid', $place['geoid'])

   * Parses an XML forecast supplied by
   * @param string $xml
   *   XML to be parsed.
   * @param string $geoid
   *   The GeoID for which the forecasts should be parsed.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
   * @throws \Exception
  public function weatherParseForecast($xml, $geoid = '') {

    // In case the parsing fails, do not output all error messages.
    $use_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE);
    $fc = simplexml_load_string($xml);

    // Restore previous setting of error handling.
    if ($fc === FALSE) {
      return FALSE;

    // Update weather_places table with downloaded information, if necessary.

    // Extract meta information.
    // @todo Extract GeoID of returned XML data.
    // This might differ from the data we have in the database. An example
    // was Heraklion (ID 261745), which got the forecast for
    // Nomós Irakleíou (ID 261741).
    if ($geoid == '') {
      $geoid = $fc->location->location['geobase'] . "_" . $fc->location->location['geobaseid'];
    $meta['geoid'] = $geoid;
    $meta['utc_offset'] = (int) $fc->location->timezone['utcoffsetMinutes'];

    // Calculate the UTC time.
    $utctime = strtotime((string) $fc->meta->lastupdate . ' UTC') - 60 * $meta['utc_offset'];
    $meta['last_update'] = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $utctime);

    // Calculate the UTC time.
    $utctime = strtotime((string) $fc->meta->nextupdate . ' UTC') - 60 * $meta['utc_offset'];
    $meta['next_update'] = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $utctime);
    $meta['next_download_attempt'] = $meta['next_update'];

    // Merge meta information for this location.
    // This prevents an integrity constraint violation, if multiple
    // calls to this function occur at the same time. See bug #1412352.
      'geoid' => $meta['geoid'],

    // Remove all forecasts for this location.
      ->condition('geoid', $meta['geoid'])

    // Cycle through all forecasts and write them to the table.
    foreach ($fc->forecast->tabular->time as $time) {
      $forecast = [];
      $forecast['geoid'] = $meta['geoid'];
      $forecast['time_from'] = str_replace('T', ' ', (string) $time['from']);
      $forecast['time_to'] = str_replace('T', ' ', (string) $time['to']);
      $forecast['period'] = (string) $time['period'];
      $forecast['symbol'] = (string) $time->symbol['var'];

      // Remove moon phases, which are not supported.
      // This is in the format "mf/03n.56", where 56 would be the
      // percentage of the moon phase.
      if (strlen($forecast['symbol']) > 3) {
        $forecast['symbol'] = substr($forecast['symbol'], 3, 3);
      $forecast['precipitation'] = (double) $time->precipitation['value'];
      $forecast['wind_direction'] = (int) $time->windDirection['deg'];
      $forecast['wind_speed'] = (double) $time->windSpeed['mps'];
      $forecast['temperature'] = (int) $time->temperature['value'];
      $forecast['pressure'] = (int) $time->pressure['value'];

      // Use db_merge to prevent integrity constraint violation, see above.
        'geoid' => $meta['geoid'],
        'time_from' => $forecast['time_from'],
    return TRUE;

   * Downloads a new forecast from
   * @param string $geoid
   *   The GeoID for which the forecasts should be downloaded.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
  private function weatherDownloadForecast($geoid) {

    // Do not download anything if the variable
    // 'weather_time_for_testing' is set.
    // In this case, we are in testing mode and only load defined
    // forecasts to get always the same results.
    $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    $time = $config
    if ($time !== \Drupal::time()
      ->getRequestTime()) {
      $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'weather') . '/tests/src/Functional/data/' . $geoid . '.xml';
      if (is_readable($path)) {
        $xml = file_get_contents($path);
      else {
        $xml = '';
      return $this
        ->weatherParseForecast($xml, $geoid);

    // Specify timeout in seconds.
    $timeout = 10;
    $url = $this
      ->weatherGetLinkForGeoId($geoid, 'yr');
    $response = $this
      ->drupalGet($url, [
      'timeout' => $timeout,

    // Extract XML data from the received forecast.
    if (!isset($response->error)) {
      return $this
        ->weatherParseForecast($response->data, $geoid);
    else {

      // Make an entry about this error into the watchdog table.

      // Get the current user.
      $user = \Drupal::currentUser();

      // Check for permission.
        ->hasPermission('administer site configuration');

      // Show a message to users with administration priviledges.
      if ($user
        ->hasPermission('administer custom weather block') or $user
        ->hasPermission('administer site configuration')) {
          ->addMessage(t('Download of forecast failed: @error', [
          '@error' => $response->error,
        ]), 'error');

   * Returns a weather object for the specified GeoID.
   * @param string $geoid
   *   GeoID of the place for which the weather is desired.
   * @param int $days
   *   Return weather for specified number of days (0 = all available days).
   * @param bool $detailed
   *   Return detailed forecasts or just one forecast per day.
   * @return array
   *   Weather array with forecast information.
   * @throws \Exception
  private function weatherGetWeather($geoid, $days = 0, $detailed = TRUE) {

    // Support testing of module with fixed times instead of current time.
    $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    $time = $config

    // Get the scheduled time of next update. If there is no entry for
    // the specified GeoID, $meta will be FALSE.
    $query = \Drupal::database()
      ->select('weather_forecast_information', 'wfi');
      ->fields('wfi', [
      ->condition('wfi.geoid', $geoid, '=');
    $meta = $query
    $meta = $meta
    $current_utc_time = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time);

    // If the next scheduled download is due, try to get forecasts.
    if (!empty($meta)) {
      $meta['next_download_attempt'] = $time;
    if ($meta === FALSE or $current_utc_time >= $meta['next_download_attempt']) {
      $result = $this

      // If that worked, get the next scheduled update time.
      $query = \Drupal::database()
        ->select('weather_forecast_information', 'wfi');
        ->fields('wfi', [
        ->condition('wfi.geoid', $geoid, '=');
      $meta = $query
      $meta = $meta

      // If there is no entry yet, set up initial values.
      if ($meta === FALSE) {
        $meta['geoid'] = $geoid;
        $meta['last_update'] = $current_utc_time;
        $meta['next_update'] = $current_utc_time;
        $meta['next_download_attempt'] = $current_utc_time;
        $meta['utc_offset'] = 120;
      if (empty($meta['next_update'])) {
        $meta['next_update'] = $time;

      // The second check is needed if the download did succeed, but
      // the returned forecast is old and the next update is overdue.
      // In that case, the download attempt needs to wait as well,
      // otherwise, a new download will occur on every page load.
      if ($result == FALSE || $current_utc_time >= $meta['next_update']) {

        // The download did not succeed. Set next download attempt accordingly.
        // Calculate the UTC timestamp.
        $next_update = strtotime($meta['next_update'] . ' UTC');

        // Initial retry after 675 seconds (11.25 minutes).
        // This way, the doubling on the first day leads to exactly 86400
        // seconds (one day) update interval.
        $seconds_to_retry = 675;
        while ($next_update + $seconds_to_retry <= $time) {
          if ($seconds_to_retry < 86400) {
            $seconds_to_retry = $seconds_to_retry * 2;
          else {
            $seconds_to_retry = $seconds_to_retry + 86400;

        // Finally, calculate the UTC time of the next download attempt.
        $meta['next_download_attempt'] = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $next_update + $seconds_to_retry);
          ->condition('geoid', $meta['geoid'])

        // Write new entry.
    if (empty($meta['utc_offset'])) {
      $meta['utc_offset'] = 120;
    $return_array['forecasts'] = $this
      ->weatherGetForecastsFromDatabase($geoid, $meta['utc_offset'], $days, $detailed, $time);
    $return_array['utc_offset'] = $meta['utc_offset'];
    return $return_array;

   * Internal helper function for getting information about a forecast.
  private function getInfoAboutForecast($time) {

    // Set the testing time.
    $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
      ->set('weather_time_for_testing', $time)

    // Fetch weather forecasts for Hamburg.
      ->weatherGetWeather('geonames_2911298', 1, FALSE);

    // Return the parsed information.
    $connection = \Drupal::database();
    $query = $connection
      ->select('weather_forecast_information', 'wfi');
      ->condition('wfi.geoid', 'geonames_2911298', '=');
      ->fields('wfi', [
      ->range(0, 50);
    $result = $query
    return $result

   * Test parsing of information about a forecast.
  public function testParsingOfInformation() {

    // 2013-10-07 20:00:00 UTC.
    $info = $this

    // Check that the information has been parsed correctly.
      ->assertEquals('geonames_2911298', $info->geoid);
      ->assertEquals('2013-10-07 15:30:00', $info->last_update);
      ->assertEquals('2013-10-08 04:00:00', $info->next_update);
      ->assertEquals('2013-10-08 04:00:00', $info->next_download_attempt);
      ->assertEquals(120, $info->utc_offset);

   * Test the parser with different days of forecast data.
  public function testDifferentDaysOfForecasts() {

    // These are all days from the forecast.
    $days = [

    // Set a fixed time for testing to 2013-10-07 20:00:00 UTC.
    $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
      ->set('weather_time_for_testing', 1381176000)

    // Fetch all weather forecasts for Hamburg
    // and check the correct days of forecasts.
    $weather = $this
      ->weatherGetWeather('geonames_2911298', 0, TRUE);
      ->assertSame(array_keys($weather['forecasts']), $days);

    // Go a few days forward ...
    // Set a fixed time for testing to 2013-10-12 10:00:00 UTC.
    $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
      ->set('weather_time_for_testing', 1381572000)

    // Fetch all weather forecasts for Hamburg
    // and check the correct days of forecasts.
    $weather = $this
      ->weatherGetWeather('geonames_2911298', 0, TRUE);
      ->assertSame(array_keys($weather['forecasts']), array_slice($days, 5));



Namesort descending Description
ParserTest Tests parsing of XML weather forecasts.