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INSTALL.txt in Weather 7.2


* Copy the module into your sites/all/modules directory.
* Go to admin/modules and enable the weather module.

Notes on upgrade from 7.x-1.x version

If you've installed the 7.x-1.x version of the weather module, you
can easily upgrade to the new 7.x-2.x version. Most of your custom
configuration will be saved and migrated to the 7.x-2.x version.

Please make a backup of your database in case something goes wrong!

* Make sure you've installed the latest version of the 7.x-1.x
  branch of the module. Upgrades are only supported from that version.
* Enable maintenance mode for your website.
* Make a backup of your database.
* Completely remove the directory "weather" under the directory
* Copy the newly downloaded 7.x-2.x version of weather to your
  directory "sites/all/modules".
* Run update.php.
* Check that all weather module settings have been migrated as
* Check the names of automatically migrated new locations.
* Disable maintenance mode for your website.

Some things have changed between 7.x-1.x and 7.x-2.x versions of the
weather module. Here is a short list for your convenience:

* Instead of about 4500 locations, the module now includes more than
  14.000 locations worldwide.
* The option to display a "compact weather block" has been removed,
  as it made no longer sense. Now the weather block shows a compact
  forecast for a place with a link to a page with the detailed forecast.
* The permission "access weather page" has been renamed to
  "access weather search page". The new permission gets updated on
  all roles which previously had the old permission if you perform
  the upgrade from 7.x-1.x.
* The previously configured locations in all weather displays are
  migrated to new locations during the upgrade from 7.x-1.x.
  Note that this might not be the desired new location, because
  the module simply searches for the nearest new location.
  Therefore, you need to check all locations yourself after the
  upgrade. For example, the location "Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel" becomes
  "Norderstedt (7.5 km from Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel)" after the upgrade.

Notes on upgrade from 6.x-5.x version

Direct upgrades from 6.x-5.x versions of the weather module to
7.x-2.x versions are not supported and will not work. You need to
upgrade to 7.x-1.x first.


* If you want to have a system-wide weather block (i.e. the same
  location for every user), go to Administer->Configuration->Weather
  and add a display. Afterwards, you can add as much locations
  as you like to that display. Go to Administer->Structure->Blocks
  and enable the "Weather: system-wide display (#1)" block.
* If you want to allow users to configure their own custom weather
  blocks, go to Administer->Structure->Blocks and enable the
  "Weather: custom user" block. You might want to change the
  "Visibility settings" in the configuration page of the block to
  "Customizable, hidden by default." in the "User" tab.
  Afterwards, go to Administer->People and switch to the "Permission"
  tab. Set the "Administer custom weather block" permission for the
  appropriate role.
* If you want visitors of your site to have the possibility of searching
  for weather reports, you can set the "Access weather search page"
  permission for the appropriate roles.


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  1. Installation
  2. ------------
  3. * Copy the module into your sites/all/modules directory.
  4. * Go to admin/modules and enable the weather module.
  5. Notes on upgrade from 7.x-1.x version
  6. -------------------------------------
  7. If you've installed the 7.x-1.x version of the weather module, you
  8. can easily upgrade to the new 7.x-2.x version. Most of your custom
  9. configuration will be saved and migrated to the 7.x-2.x version.
  10. Please make a backup of your database in case something goes wrong!
  11. * Make sure you've installed the latest version of the 7.x-1.x
  12. branch of the module. Upgrades are only supported from that version.
  13. * Enable maintenance mode for your website.
  14. * Make a backup of your database.
  15. * Completely remove the directory "weather" under the directory
  16. "sites/all/modules".
  17. * Copy the newly downloaded 7.x-2.x version of weather to your
  18. directory "sites/all/modules".
  19. * Run update.php.
  20. * Check that all weather module settings have been migrated as
  21. expected.
  22. * Check the names of automatically migrated new locations.
  23. * Disable maintenance mode for your website.
  24. Some things have changed between 7.x-1.x and 7.x-2.x versions of the
  25. weather module. Here is a short list for your convenience:
  26. * Instead of about 4500 locations, the module now includes more than
  27. 14.000 locations worldwide.
  28. * The option to display a "compact weather block" has been removed,
  29. as it made no longer sense. Now the weather block shows a compact
  30. forecast for a place with a link to a page with the detailed forecast.
  31. * The permission "access weather page" has been renamed to
  32. "access weather search page". The new permission gets updated on
  33. all roles which previously had the old permission if you perform
  34. the upgrade from 7.x-1.x.
  35. * The previously configured locations in all weather displays are
  36. migrated to new locations during the upgrade from 7.x-1.x.
  37. Note that this might not be the desired new location, because
  38. the module simply searches for the nearest new location.
  39. Therefore, you need to check all locations yourself after the
  40. upgrade. For example, the location "Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel" becomes
  41. "Norderstedt (7.5 km from Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel)" after the upgrade.
  42. Notes on upgrade from 6.x-5.x version
  43. -------------------------------------
  44. Direct upgrades from 6.x-5.x versions of the weather module to
  45. 7.x-2.x versions are not supported and will not work. You need to
  46. upgrade to 7.x-1.x first.
  47. Configuration
  48. -------------
  49. * If you want to have a system-wide weather block (i.e. the same
  50. location for every user), go to Administer->Configuration->Weather
  51. and add a display. Afterwards, you can add as much locations
  52. as you like to that display. Go to Administer->Structure->Blocks
  53. and enable the "Weather: system-wide display (#1)" block.
  54. * If you want to allow users to configure their own custom weather
  55. blocks, go to Administer->Structure->Blocks and enable the
  56. "Weather: custom user" block. You might want to change the
  57. "Visibility settings" in the configuration page of the block to
  58. "Customizable, hidden by default." in the "User" tab.
  59. Afterwards, go to Administer->People and switch to the "Permission"
  60. tab. Set the "Administer custom weather block" permission for the
  61. appropriate role.
  62. * If you want visitors of your site to have the possibility of searching
  63. for weather reports, you can set the "Access weather search page"
  64. permission for the appropriate roles.