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MigrateManager.php in Workbench Moderation to Content Moderation 8




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namespace Drupal\wbm2cm;

use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleInstallerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\KeyValueStore\KeyValueFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\workflows\Entity\Workflow;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

 * Manages migrating from WBM to CM.
 * The intention is for the migration to have the following recovery points:
 *    1. States and transitions are stored in key value (i.e. the Workflow entity is created)
 *    2. Entity state maps are stored in key value
 *    3. WBM uninstalled
 *    4. Workflows installed
 *    5. CM installed
 *    6. States and transitions are migrated (i.e. the Workflow entity is created)
 *    7. Entity state maps are migrated
 *    8. Remove all temporary data from key value used for the migration.
class MigrateManager {

   * The config factory.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface
  protected $configFactory;

   * The entity type manager service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * The module installer.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleInstallerInterface
  protected $moduleInstaller;

   * The key value store for the wbm2cm module.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\KeyValueStore\KeyValueStoreInterface
  protected $wbm2cmStore;

   * The key value store for the state map data.
   * Note: we store state map data separately to make it easier to compute if
   * all states were successfully migrated.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\KeyValueStore\KeyValueStoreInterface
  protected $stateMapStore;

   * Logger service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelInterface
  protected $logger;

   * Instantiate the MigrateManager service.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory
   *   The config factory.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager
   *   The entity type manager.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleInstallerInterface $module_installer
   *   The module installer.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\KeyValueStore\KeyValueFactoryInterface $key_value_factory
   *   The key value store factory.
   * @param \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger
   *   A logger instance.
  public function __construct(ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory, EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager, ModuleInstallerInterface $module_installer, KeyValueFactoryInterface $key_value_factory, LoggerInterface $logger) {
    $this->configFactory = $config_factory;
    $this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager;
    $this->moduleInstaller = $module_installer;
    $this->migrateStore = $key_value_factory
    $this->stateMapStore = $key_value_factory
    $this->logger = $logger;

   * Get messages for whether or not the migration is valid and ready.
   * @return string[]
   *   An array of messages to display to the user about, keyed on a unique
   *   identifier.
  public function getValidationMessages() {
    $messages = [];

    // @todo validate WBM does not have multiple transitions, see WorkflowTypeBase
    // @todo validate that there is a 'draft' and 'published' state, which are required
    // @todo check if migration was run and failed, i.e. we need to trigger a "re-run" from a failed state
    return $messages;

   * Determine if the migration is valid.
   * @return bool
   *   True if the migration is valid and ready to begin.
  public function isValid() {
    return empty($this

   * Flags that the migration finished.
  public function setFinished() {
      ->set('finished', TRUE);

   * Flags that the migration is not finished.
  public function setUnfinished() {
      ->set('finished', FALSE);

   * Determines if the migration finished.
   * @see isComplete
   * @return bool
   *   True if the full migration is considered to have been run; else, false.
  public function isFinished() {
    return TRUE == $this->migrateStore

   * Determine if the migration is complete.
   * The migration is complete if:
   *   - It is marked as finished.
   *   - There are no states left in the state key value store.
   * @return bool
   *   True if the migration completed successfully. Otherwise, false.
  public function isComplete() {
    if ($this
      ->isFinished()) {

      // @todo is there a less costly way to compute that the key value storage is empty?
      $states = $this->stateMapStore
      if (empty($states)) {
          ->debug('isComplete was called, it isFinished, and there are NO states remaining in storage.');
        return TRUE;
      else {
          ->debug('isComplete was called, it isFinished, but there are %count states remaining in storage.', [
          '%count' => count($states),
        return FALSE;
      ->debug('isComplete was called and returned FALSE.');
    return FALSE;

   * Save the Workbench Moderation states and transitions.
  public function saveWorkbenchModerationStatesAndTransitions() {

    // Collect all states.
    $states = [];
    foreach ($this->configFactory
      ->listAll('workbench_moderation.moderation_state.') as $state_ids) {
      $state = $this->configFactory
      $states[] = $state
      ->info('Found Workbench Moderation states: %state_ids', [
      '%state_ids' => print_r($states, 1),

    // Save states.
      ->set('states', $states);

    // Collect all transitions.
    $transitions = [];
    foreach ($this->configFactory
      ->listAll('workbench_moderation.moderation_state_transition.') as $transition_ids) {
      $transition = $this->configFactory
      $transitions[] = $transition
      ->info('Found Workbench Moderation transitions: %transition_ids', [
      '%transition_ids' => print_r($transitions, 1),

    // Save transitions.
      ->set('transitions', $transitions);

   * Save the Workbench Moderation states on all entities.
  public function saveWorkbenchModerationSateMap() {

    // @todo avoid needing to save enabled bundles?
    // Collect all moderated bundles.

    // @todo consider leveraging WBM to get the list of enabled bundles?
    $enabled_bundles = [];
    foreach ($this->configFactory
      ->listAll() as $bundle_config_id) {
      $bundle_config = $this->configFactory
      if (!($third_party_settings = $bundle_config
        ->get('third_party_settings'))) {
          ->debug('Skipping entity bundle that is not moderated: %bundle_id', [
          '%bundle_id' => $bundle_config_id,
      $third_party_settings_updated = array_diff_key($third_party_settings, array_flip([
      if (count($third_party_settings) !== count($third_party_settings_updated)) {
          ->debug('Found Workbench Moderation bundle that is moderated: %bundle_id', [
          '%bundle_id' => $bundle_config_id,

        // Collect which entity types and bundles have moderation enabled.
        list($entity_provider, $bundle_config_prefix, $bundle_id) = explode('.', $bundle_config_id);
        $entity_type_id = FALSE;
        foreach ($this->entityTypeManager
          ->getDefinitions() as $entity_definition) {
          if ($entity_definition
            ->getProvider() === $entity_provider && $entity_definition
            ->get('config_prefix') === $bundle_config_prefix) {
            $entity_type_id = $entity_definition

        // @todo cleanup and clarify what error state we are dealing with
        if (!$entity_type_id) {
          throw new \Exception('Something went wrong.');
        $enabled_bundles[$entity_type_id][] = $bundle_id;
      else {
          ->debug('Skipping Workbench Moderation bundle that is moderated, but is incorrect format? %bundle_id', [
          '%bundle_id' => $bundle_config_id,

    // Save enabled bundles.
      ->set('enabled_bundles', $enabled_bundles);

    // Collect entity state map and remove Workbench moderation_state field from
    // enabled bundles.
    foreach ($enabled_bundles as $entity_type_id => $bundles) {
      $entity_storage = $this->entityTypeManager
      foreach ($bundles as $bundle_id) {
          ->debug('Querying for all %bundle_id revisions...', [
          '%bundle_id' => $bundle_id,
        $entity_revisions = \Drupal::entityQuery($entity_type_id)
          ->condition('type', $bundle_id)
        foreach ($entity_revisions as $revision_id => $id) {
          $entity = $entity_storage
          $state_map_key = "state_map.{$entity_type_id}.{$bundle_id}.{$revision_id}";
            ->set($state_map_key, $entity->moderation_state->target_id);
            ->debug('Setting Workbench Moderation state field on id:%id, revision:%revision_id from %state to NULL', [
            '%id' => $id,
            '%revision_id' => $revision_id,
            '%state' => $entity->moderation_state->target_id,
          $entity->moderation_state = NULL;

          // Handle translations.
          // Get all languages except the default (which we've already handled).
          $languages = $entity
          $language_ids = [];
          foreach ($languages as $language) {
            $language_ids[] = $language
            ->debug('Found the following translations on id:%id, revision:%revision_id: %languages', [
            '%id' => $id,
            '%revision_id' => $revision_id,
            '%languages' => implode(', ', $language_ids),
          foreach ($language_ids as $language_id) {

            // @todo how to get all revisions for this translation?
            $translated_entity = $entity
            $state_map_key = "state_map.{$entity_type_id}.{$bundle_id}.{$revision_id}.{$language_id}";
              ->set($state_map_key, $translated_entity->moderation_state->target_id);
              ->debug('Setting Workbench Moderation state field on id:%id, revision:%revision_id, lang:%lang from %state to NULL', [
              '%id' => $id,
              '%revision_id' => $revision_id,
              '%lang' => $language_id,
              '%state' => $entity->moderation_state->target_id,
            $translated_entity->moderation_state = NULL;
      ->notice('Workbench Moderation states have been removed from all entities and temporarily stored in key value storage.');

   * Uninstall the Workbench Moderation module.
   * Note: no need to check if the module is uninstalled before calling
   * uninstall--the module installer will check for us.
  public function uninstallWorkbenchModeration() {
    ], FALSE);
      ->notice('Workbench Moderation module is uninstalled.');

   * Install the Workflows module.
   * Note: no need to check if the module is installed before calling
   * install--the module installer will check for us.
  public function installWorkflows() {
      ->notice('Workflows module is installed.');

   * Install the Content Moderation module.
   * Note: no need to check if the module is installed before calling
   * install--the module installer will check for us.
  public function installContentModeration() {
      ->notice('Content Moderation module is installed.');

   * Create the Workflow based on info from WBM states and transitions.
  public function recreateWorkbenchModerationWorkflow() {
    $states = $this->migrateStore
    $transitions = $this->migrateStore
    $enabled_bundles = $this->migrateStore

    // Create and save a workflow entity with the information gathered.
    // Note: this implies all entities will be squished into a single workflow.
    $workflow_config = [
      'id' => 'content_moderation_workflow',
      'label' => 'Content Moderation Workflow',
      'type' => 'content_moderation',
      'type_settings' => [
        'states' => [],
        'transitions' => [],
    foreach ($states as $state) {
      $workflow_config['type_settings']['states'][$state['id']] = [
        'label' => $state['label'],
        'published' => $state['published'],
        'default_revision' => $state['default_revision'],
    foreach ($transitions as $transition) {
      $workflow_config['type_settings']['transitions'][$transition['id']] = [
        'label' => $transition['label'],
        'to' => $transition['stateTo'],
        'from' => explode(',', $transition['stateFrom']),

    // Instantiate the workflow from the config.
      ->info('Create workflow from config: %config', [
      '%config' => print_r($workflow_config, 1),
    $workflow = new Workflow($workflow_config, 'workflow');
    $workflow_type_plugin = $workflow

    // Add Content Moderation moderation to bundles that were Workbench
    // Moderation moderated.
    foreach ($enabled_bundles as $entity_type_id => $bundles) {
      foreach ($bundles as $bundle_id) {
          ->addEntityTypeAndBundle($entity_type_id, $bundle_id);
          ->notice('Setting Content Moderation to be enabled on %bundle_id', [
          '%bundle_id' => $bundle_id,

    // Save the workflow now that it has all the configurations set.
      ->notice('Content Moderation Workflow created.');

   * Create the moderation states on all entities based on WBM data.
  public function recreateModerationStatesOnEntities() {
    $enabled_bundles = $this->migrateStore
    foreach ($enabled_bundles as $entity_type_id => $bundles) {
      $entity_storage = $this->entityTypeManager
      foreach ($bundles as $bundle_id) {

        // Get all entity revisions.
          ->debug('Querying for all %bundle_id revisions...', [
          '%bundle_id' => $bundle_id,
        $entity_revisions = \Drupal::entityQuery($entity_type_id)
          ->condition('type', $bundle_id)
          ->debug('Setting Content Moderation states on %bundle_id entities', [
          '%bundle_id' => $bundle_id,

        // Update the state for all revisions if a state id is found.
        foreach ($entity_revisions as $revision_id => $id) {

          // Get the state if it exists.
          $state_map_key = "state_map.{$entity_type_id}.{$bundle_id}.{$revision_id}";
          $state_id = $this->stateMapStore
          if (!$state_id) {
              ->debug('Skipping updating state on id:%id, revision:%revision_id because no state exists', [
              '%id' => $entity
              '%revision_id' => $revision_id,
              '%state' => $state_id,

          // Set the state.
          $entity = $entity_storage
          $entity->moderation_state = $state_id;
            ->debug('Setting Workbench Moderation state field on id:%id, revision:%revision_id to %state', [
            '%id' => $entity
            '%revision_id' => $revision_id,
            '%state' => $state_id,

          // Remove the state from key value store to indicate the entity has
          // been successfully updated.

          // Handle translations.
          // Get all languages except the default (which we've already handled).
          $languages = $entity
          $language_ids = [];
          foreach ($languages as $language) {
            $language_ids[] = $language
          foreach ($language_ids as $language_id) {

            // Get the state if it exists.
            // @todo how to get all revisions for this translation?
            $translated_entity = $entity
            $state_map_key = "state_map.{$entity_type_id}.{$bundle_id}.{$revision_id}.{$language_id}";
            $state_id = $this->stateMapStore
            if (!$state_id) {
                ->debug('Skipping updating state on id:%id, revision:%revision_id, lang:%lang because no state exists', [
                '%id' => $translated_entity
                '%revision_id' => $revision_id,
                '%lang' => $language_id,
                '%state' => $state_id,

            // Set the state.
            $translated_entity->moderation_state = $state_id;
              ->debug('Setting Workbench Moderation state field on id:%id, revision:%revision_id to %state', [
              '%id' => $translated_entity
              '%revision_id' => $revision_id,
              '%state' => $state_id,

            // Remove the state from key value store to indicate the entity has
            // been successfully updated.

   * Remove all temporary data from key value used for the migration.
   * The following are not cleaned up by this:
   *   - Any state used to manage progress of the migration, e.g. BatchManager.
   *   - The state map keys, which should be cleaned up during processing.
  public function cleanupKeyValue() {

   * Purge all key value stores used used by the migrate manager.
   * Note: this should only be used during the module's uninstall.
  public function purgeAllKeyValueStores() {



Namesort descending Description
MigrateManager Manages migrating from WBM to CM.