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6 calls to votingapi_recalculate_results() in Voting API 7.3

drush_votingapi_recalculate in ./
Command callback. Recalculate voting results.
MigrateDestinationVotingApiVote::recalculateResults in ./
Recalculate votes for a list of id's.
VotingAPITestCase::testAddMultipleVotes in tests/votingapi.test
Add multiple votes and ensure that the vote calculations are working.
VotingAPITestCase::testAddVote in tests/votingapi.test
Add a vote and ensure that the vote was stored properly.
votingapi_cron in ./votingapi.module
Implements of hook_cron().
votingapi_set_votes in ./votingapi.module
Cast a vote on a particular piece of content.