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function VotingAPITestCase::validateVote in Voting API 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 tests/votingapi.test \VotingAPITestCase::validateVote()
  2. 7.2 tests/votingapi.test \VotingAPITestCase::validateVote()
3 calls to VotingAPITestCase::validateVote()
VotingAPITestCase::testAddMultipleVotes in tests/votingapi.test
Add multiple votes and ensure that the vote calculations are working.
VotingAPITestCase::testAddVote in tests/votingapi.test
Add a vote and ensure that the vote was stored properly.
VotingAPITestCase::testMinimalAdd in tests/votingapi.test
Ensure that the optional fields are truly optional.


tests/votingapi.test, line 124
Test file for VotingAPI module.


@file Test file for VotingAPI module.


function validateVote($prefix, $vote, $entity_id, $value, $entity_type = 'node', $uid = NULL, $value_type = 'percent', $tag = 'vote', $vote_source = NULL) {
  global $user;
  if ($vote_source == NULL) {
    $vote_source = ip_address();
  $prefix_array = array(
    '@prefix' => $prefix,
  for ($index = 0; $index < count($vote); $index++) {
      ->assertTrue($vote[$index]['entity_id'] == $entity_id, t('@prefix: entity_id should match.', $prefix_array));
      ->assertTrue($vote[$index]['value'] == $value[$index], t('@prefix: value should match.', $prefix_array));
      ->assertTrue($vote[$index]['entity_type'] == $entity_type, t('@prefix: entity_type should match, default = "node".', $prefix_array));
      ->assertTrue($vote[$index]['value_type'] == $value_type, t('@prefix: value_type should match, default= "percent".', $prefix_array));
      ->assertTrue($vote[$index]['tag'] == $tag, t('@prefix: tag should match, default =  "vote".', $prefix_array));
      ->assertTrue($vote[$index]['vote_source'] == $vote_source, t('@prefix: vote_source should match, default = ip address.', $prefix_array));
    if ($uid != NULL) {
        ->assertTrue($vote[0]['uid'] == $uid, t('@prefix: uid should match.', $prefix_array));