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function VudWebTestCase::castVote in Vote Up/Down 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 vud.test \VudWebTestCase::castVote()
  2. 6.2 vud.test \VudWebTestCase::castVote()
  3. 7.2 vud.test \VudWebTestCase::castVote()

Execute a (non-AJAX) vote from the current node.


$up: If TRUE vote-up, otherwise vote-down.


./vud.test, line 74
Test file for Vote Up/Down.


TODO test casting vote TODO test changing voting api tag after casting votes, and see if votes change TODO test vote reset


function castVote($up) {

  // The non-AJAX version uses a hyperlink with no inner text, so we can't
  // just use clickLink().  We find the domain-relative URL using xpath, then
  // prepend $base_root to get an absolute URL.
  if ($up) {
    $inact_urls = $this
    $act_urls = $this
  else {
    $inact_urls = $this
    $act_urls = $this
    ->assertEqual(count($inact_urls), 1, 'One inactive vote widget found');
  if (count($inact_urls) != 1) {

    // If we couldn't find the inactive widget we need to click on, try
    // looking for the active version. This would normally mean that we've
    // already voted (in this direction) on this node.
      ->assertEqual(count($act_urls), 0, 'No active vote widget found');

    // no point in continuing
    ->assertTrue(strpos($inact_urls[0]['href'], base_path()) === 0, 'Vote Up URL starts with base_path()');

  // We can't use drupalGet() because it messes up the URL. This is copied
  // from that method, with just the URL parameter changed. We don't explictly
  // handle redirects here, because curl did it for us.
  global $base_root;
  $out = $this
    CURLOPT_URL => $base_root . $inact_urls[0]['href'],