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vote_up_down.test in Vote Up/Down 6

Test file for Vote Up/Down.

TODO: check behaviour of every setting in the admin screens:

  • vote_up_down_node_types: make sure voting doesn't appear on other and does appear on selected types
  • vote_up_down_widget_style_node: check each display
  • vote_up_down_widget_node
  • vote_up_down_link_node
  • vote_up_down_widget_style_comment
  • vote_up_down_widget_comment
  • vote_up_down_link_comment
  • vote_up_down_anonymous_vote
  • vote_up_down_reset_vote
  • vote_up_down_tag


  • test dodgy user behaviour
  • test XSS injection
  • ...


View source

 * @file
 * Test file for Vote Up/Down.
 * TODO: check behaviour of every setting in the admin screens:
 * - vote_up_down_node_types: make sure voting doesn't appear on other
 *   and does appear on selected types
 * - vote_up_down_widget_style_node: check each display
 * - vote_up_down_widget_node
 * - vote_up_down_link_node
 * - vote_up_down_widget_style_comment
 * - vote_up_down_widget_comment
 * - vote_up_down_link_comment
 * - vote_up_down_anonymous_vote
 * - vote_up_down_reset_vote
 * - vote_up_down_tag
 * TODO:
 * - test dodgy user behaviour
 * - test XSS injection
 * - ...

// Why is this required?  Sometimes?

//include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') .  '/drupal_web_test_case.php';
class VoteUpDownTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * Implementation of getInfo().
  function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Vote Up/Down'),
      'description' => t('For the relevant issue in the Vote Up/Down queue, see'),
      'group' => t('Voting API Tests'),
  function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('votingapi', 'vote_up_down');

    // Module permissions: array('view up/down votes', 'use vote up', 'use vote down', 'access vote up/down statistics', 'administer vote up/down');
    // Create users.
    $this->admin_user = $this
      'access vote up/down statistics',
      'administer vote up/down',
      'use vote up',
      'use vote down',
      'view up/down votes',
      'administer permissions',
      'administer blocks',
    $this->web_user = $this
      'access vote up/down statistics',
      'use vote up',
      'use vote down',
      'view up/down votes',
      'create story content',
      'create page content',
  function tearDown() {

   * Ensure that the optional fields are truly optional.
  function testBasicOperation() {

    // Enable Vote Up/Down for Story node types. Everything else should be
    // default settings.
    $edit = array(
      'vote_up_down_node_types[story]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPost('admin/settings/voteupdown', $edit, 'Save configuration');
      ->assertText('The configuration options have been saved.');
      ->assertText('Vote Up/Down');

    // Check the Advanced configuration page.
      ->assertText('Vote Up/Down');
      ->assertText('Advanced settings');

    // TODO: check for correct settings
    // Enable the "Who voted on this?" block, and check it's NOT shown on /
    $edit = array();
    $edit['vote_up_down_0[region]'] = 'left';
      ->drupalPost('admin/build/block', $edit, t('Save blocks'));
      ->assertText('The block settings have been updated.');
      ->assertNoText('Who voted on this?', 'Vote Up/Down block should not appear on non-node pages');

    // Create a STORY node using the node/add page.
    $node = array(
      'title' => $this
        ->randomName(20, 'NODE_'),
      'body' => $this
        ->randomName(20, 'BODY_'),
      ->drupalPost('node/add/story', $node, 'Save');
      ->assertText("Story {$node['title']} has been created.");
      ->assertText('0 points');
      ->assertRaw('<div class="vote-up-down-widget">');
    $node_url = $this
      ->assertText('Who voted on this?', 'Vote Up/Down block is on node pages');
      ->assertText('Voting details', 'Voting details tab is on node pages');

    // Use the url to find the NID, and then check for the <span> tag that the
    // JavaScript uses to update the points.
    preg_match('#node/([0-9]*)$#', $node_url, $matches);
    $nid = $matches[1];
      ->assertRaw('<span id="vote_points_' . $nid . '" class="vote-points">', 'Labeled SPAN tag found');

    // Create a PAGE node using the node/add page.
    // Check that the Vote Up/Down information does NOT show for this node type.
    $page_node = array(
      'title' => $this
        ->randomName(20, 'NODE_'),
      'body' => $this
        ->randomName(20, 'BODY_'),
      ->drupalPost('node/add/page', $page_node, 'Save');
      ->assertText("Page {$page_node['title']} has been created.");
      ->assertNoText('0 points');
      ->assertNoRaw('<div class="vote-up-down-widget">');
      ->assertNoText('Who voted on this?', 'Block should not be shown when content-type is not enabled for Vote Up/Down');
      ->assertNoText('Voting details', 'Voting Details should not be shown when content-type is not enabled for Vote Up/Down');

    // Back to the Story node: Check empty Voting details about this node.
      ->clickLink('Voting details');

    // Bug #360139
      ->assertNoRaw('<td>', 'Voting Details Records found on new Story node');

    // Check empty Voting statistics.
      ->clickLink('Voting statistics');
      ->clickLink('Users by votes');
      ->assertNoRaw('<td>', 'Non-heading rows found in users-by-votes table');

    // Check empty user account votes
      ->clickLink('My account');
      ->clickLink('Your votes');
      ->assertNoRaw('<td>', 'Non-heading rows found in your-votes table');

    // Cast a vote, and make sure the score was updated.
      ->assertText('1 point');
      ->clickLink('Voting details');

    // Change our vote to -1
      ->assertText('-1 points');
      ->clickLink('Voting details');

    // Check NON-empty Voting details about this node.
      ->clickLink('Voting details');

    // Bug #360139
      ->assertRaw('<td>', 'Voting Details records found');

    // Check NON-empty Voting statistics.
      ->clickLink('Voting statistics');
      ->clickLink('Users by votes');
      ->assertRaw('<td>', 'Non-heading rows found in users-by-votes table');

    // Check NON-empty user account votes
      ->clickLink('My account');
      ->clickLink('Your votes');
      ->assertRaw('<td>', 'Non-heading rows found in your-votes table');

    // Add another user, and use them to cast another -1 vote.
    $another_user = $this
      'access vote up/down statistics',
      'use vote up',
      'use vote down',
      'view up/down votes',
      ->assertText('-2 points');
      ->clickLink('Voting details');

    // twice
    // Now, change the Voting API Tag to something else...
    $edit = array(
      'vote_up_down_tag' => $this
      ->drupalPost('admin/settings/voteupdown/advanced', $edit, 'Save configuration');
      ->assertText('The configuration options have been saved.');

    // ...and check that the score on the node is 0 (not -2)
      ->assertText('0 points');

    // Check empty Voting details about this node.
      ->clickLink('Voting details');

    // Bug #360139
      ->assertNoRaw('<td>', 'Non-heading rows found in voting-details table');

    // $this->writeFile('voting-details.html');
    // Check empty Voting statistics.
      ->clickLink('Voting statistics');
      ->clickLink('Users by votes');
      ->assertNoRaw('<td>', 'Non-heading rows found in users-by-votes table');

    // $this->writeFile('users-by-votes.html');
    // Check user account
      ->clickLink('My account');
      ->clickLink('Your votes');
      ->assertNoRaw('<td>', 'Non-heading rows found in your-votes table');

    // $this->writeFile('your-votes.html');
    // Vote and check.

    // if this fails, it may be because this users has already voted
      ->assertText('-1 points');

    // $this->writeFile('alt-tag-vote.html');
    // TODO: Check anonymous user permissions

   * Check the permissions for voting only up
  function testVoteUp() {

    // Enable Vote Up/Down for Story node types. Everything else should be
    // default settings.
    $edit = array(
      'vote_up_down_node_types[story]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPost('admin/settings/voteupdown', $edit, 'Save configuration');
      ->assertText('The configuration options have been saved.');
      ->assertText('Vote Up/Down');

    // Create another user to test the vote up only permission
    $this->voteup_user = $this
      'access vote up/down statistics',
      'use vote up',
      'view up/down votes',
      'create story content',

    // Login

    //Create another story
    $node = array(
      'title' => $this
        ->randomName(20, 'NODE_'),
      'body' => $this
        ->randomName(20, 'BODY_'),
      ->drupalPost('node/add/story', $node, 'Save');
      ->assertText("Story {$node['title']} has been created.");

    // Check the presence of the widget
      ->assertText('0 points');
      ->assertRaw('<div class="vote-up-down-widget">');
    $node_url = $this
      ->assertText('Voting details', 'Voting details tab is on node pages');

    // Use the url to find the NID, and then check for the <span> tag that the
    // JavaScript uses to update the points.
    preg_match('#node/([0-9]*)$#', $node_url, $matches);
    $nid = $matches[1];
      ->assertRaw('<span id="vote_points_' . $nid . '" class="vote-points">', 'Labeled SPAN tag found');

    // Check empty Voting details about this node.
      ->clickLink('Voting details');

    // Bug #360139
      ->assertNoRaw('<td>', 'Voting Details Records found on new Story node');

    // Back to the node page and check that the user can only vote up and cannot vote down
      ->assertNoRaw('<span title="You have no privileges to vote up." class="up-inact" id="vote_up_1"/>', t('Make sure the vote up is not disabled.'));
      ->assertRaw('<span id="vote_down_1" class="down-inact" title="You have no privileges to vote down."></span>', t('Make sure the vote down is disabled.'));

    // Cast a vote, and make sure the score was updated.
      ->assertText('1 point');
      ->clickLink('Voting details');

   * Check the permissions for voting only down
  function testVoteDown() {

    // Enable Vote Up/Down for Story node types. Everything else should be
    // default settings.
    $edit = array(
      'vote_up_down_node_types[story]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPost('admin/settings/voteupdown', $edit, 'Save configuration');
      ->assertText('The configuration options have been saved.');
      ->assertText('Vote Up/Down');

    // Create another user to test the vote up only permission
    $this->votedown_user = $this
      'access vote up/down statistics',
      'use vote down',
      'view up/down votes',
      'create story content',

    // Login

    //Create another story
    $node = array(
      'title' => $this
        ->randomName(20, 'NODE_'),
      'body' => $this
        ->randomName(20, 'BODY_'),
      ->drupalPost('node/add/story', $node, 'Save');
      ->assertText("Story {$node['title']} has been created.");

    // Check the presence of the widget
      ->assertText('0 points');
      ->assertRaw('<div class="vote-up-down-widget">');
    $node_url = $this
      ->assertText('Voting details', 'Voting details tab is on node pages');

    // Use the url to find the NID, and then check for the <span> tag that the
    // JavaScript uses to update the points.
    preg_match('#node/([0-9]*)$#', $node_url, $matches);
    $nid = $matches[1];
      ->assertRaw('<span id="vote_points_' . $nid . '" class="vote-points">', 'Labeled SPAN tag found');

    // Check empty Voting details about this node.
      ->clickLink('Voting details');

    // Bug #360139
      ->assertNoRaw('<td>', 'Voting Details Records found on new Story node');

    // Back to the node page and check that the user can only vote up and cannot vote down
      ->assertRaw('<span id="vote_up_1" class="up-inact" title="You have no privileges to vote up."></span>', t('Make sure the vote up is disabled.'));
      ->assertNoRaw('<span title="You have no privileges to vote down." class="down-inact" id="vote_down_1"/>', t('Make sure the vote down is not disabled.'));

    // Cast a vote, and make sure the score was updated.
      ->assertText('-1 point');
      ->clickLink('Voting details');

   * Execute a (non-AJAX) vote from the current node.
   * @param $up
   *   If TRUE vote-up, otherwise vote-down.
   * TODO: support multi-node pages, using xpath?
   * TODO: better error messages.
  function castVote($up) {

    // The non-AJAX version uses a hyperlink with no inner text, so we can't
    // just use clickLink().  We find the domain-relative URL using xpath, then
    // prepend $base_root to get an absolute URL.
    if ($up) {
      $inact_urls = $this
      $act_urls = $this
    else {
      $inact_urls = $this
      $act_urls = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($inact_urls), 1, 'One inactive vote widget found');
    if (count($inact_urls) != 1) {

      // If we couldn't find the inactive widget we need to click on, try
      // looking for the active version. This would normally mean that we've
      // already voted (in this direction) on this node.
        ->assertEqual(count($act_urls), 0, 'No active vote widget found');

      // no point in continuing
      ->assertTrue(strpos($inact_urls[0]['href'], base_path()) === 0, 'Vote Up URL starts with base_path()');

    // We can't use drupalGet() because it messes up the URL. This is copied
    // from that method, with just the URL parameter changed. We don't explictly
    // handle redirects here, because curl did it for us.
    global $base_root;
    $out = $this
      CURLOPT_URL => $base_root . $inact_urls[0]['href'],

   * Write the given data to the given filename, relative to the Drupal
   * temporary directory. This method is really useful for determining what was
   * in the HTML page that DrupalWebTestCase actually saw.
   * @param $filename
   *   The filename to write (defaults to out.html).
   * @param $data
   *   The data that will be written to the above file (defaults to the content
   *   of the current page).
  function writeFile($filename = 'out.html', $data = NULL) {
    $data = $data == NULL ? $this
      ->drupalGetContent() : $data;
    $filename = file_directory_temp() . '/' . $filename;
      ->assertTrue(file_put_contents($filename, $data), t('Wrote content to %filename', array(
      '%filename' => $filename,
    drupal_set_message("Wrote content to {$filename}");



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