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Functions in Vote Up/Down 6.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
vud_term_install vud_term/vud_term.install Implementation of hook_install().
vud_term_menu vud_term/vud_term.module Implementation of hook_menu().
vud_term_nodeapi vud_term/vud_term.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
vud_term_perm vud_term/vud_term.module Implementation of hook_perm().
vud_term_schema vud_term/vud_term.install Implementation of hook_schema().
vud_term_template_suggestions vud_term/vud_term.module Implementation of vud hook_template_suggestions().
vud_term_uninstall vud_term/vud_term.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
vud_term_views_api vud_term/vud_term.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
vud_term_views_data_alter vud_term/views/ Implementation of hook_views_data_alter().
vud_term_views_handlers vud_term/views/ Implementation of hook_views_handlers().
vud_theme ./ Implementation of hook_theme().
vud_uninstall ./vud.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
vud_upanddown_vud_widgets widgets/upanddown/ Implementation of hook_vud_widgets(). (Specialized)
vud_update_6200 ./vud.install First update - Deprecate UpDown in favor of Vote Up/Down.
vud_update_6201 ./vud.install Rebuild menu for the path change on user statistics.
vud_updown_vud_widgets widgets/updown/ Implementation of hook_vud_widgets(). (Specialized)
vud_user_votes ./vud.module Menu callback; display all votes for a user. 1
vud_vote ./ Function for the main voting handler with Ajax support. 1
vud_votes_proxy ./ Proxy votes display function, that hook_theme() calls. 1
vud_votingapi_metadata_alter ./vud.module Implementation of hook_votingapi_metadata_alter().
vud_votingapi_results_alter ./vud.module Implementation of votingapi hook_votingapi_results_alter().
vud_widget_get ./ Load metadata for a single widget without loading all widgets. 3
vud_widget_get_all ./ Load metadata for all widgets 1
vud_widget_get_names ./ Load the names of all widgets for use in a select. 3
vud_widget_proxy ./ Proxy widget function that hook_theme() calls. 1
vud_width_plugin_defaults ./ Provide defaults for widgets. 1
_vud_comment_get_node_type vud_comment/vud_comment.module Function to return the node type of a particular node ID. 1
_vud_term_generate_table vud_term/vud_term.module Function to generate the voting table. 2
_vud_term_get_row_votes vud_term/vud_term.module Function to get votes for a particular term row on a node. 1


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