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INSTALL.txt in Vote Up/Down 5

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  1. 6 INSTALL.txt
Vote Up/Down 5.x installation documentation:
Author              = Ron Williams (ron at ronsnexus dot com)
Current Maintainer  = Fredrik Jonsson
Requires Drupal 5
Licensed under GPL


You will need to download the following items:
  * Vote Up/Down Package
  * Links Package
    (only needed with storylink module)
  * Voting API

To be able to automatically promote story links that have a specified
number of votes to the front page you also need to download these:
  * Actions
  * Voting Actions

Recommended but not required modules:
  * Views (for creating customized views
    of content)
  * User Points (if you wish to
    have users awarded points for submitting content or voting)
  * Content Recommendation Engine
    (to recommend nodes and users to other user bases on the voting.
    Use query type "VotingAPI Point System Query".)

Step By Step Installation for sites needing 'automatic promotion to front page':

01) Download and decompress the vote_up_down, links, votingapi, actions,
    voting_actions, views, and userpoints modules (listed above).

02) Upload the resulting directories to your /sites/all/modules/ directory.
    If this directory does not exist, please create it.

03) Log into your site as an admin user, and navigate to the page.

04) Enable these modules:
    * Actions
    * Links
    * Userpoints
    * Views
    * Storylink
    * Vote up/down
    * Voting API Actions
    * Voting API

05) Next, go to and enable the following items
    * userpoints module
      ** view userpoints (for anonymous and authenticated)
    * vote_storylink module
      ** create storylinks (for authenticated; only if you wish to allow users
                            to create storylink posts for others to vote on)
      ** edit own storylinks (for authenticated; only if you wish to allow
                              users to edit their own storylinks)
    * vote_up_down module
      ** use up-down vote (for authenticated)
      ** view up-down vote (for anonymous and authenticated)

06) Go to and click 'list'
    (this allows the Actions module to detect available actions).

07) Go to, and
    uncheck 'promoted to front page' (under workflow).

08) Go to
    * Under types, check 'storylink'.
    * Under Vote widget settings for nodes, in the field below
      "Vote widget display"", select 'disabled'.
    * Under "Vote widget settings for comments", in the "Vote widget display"
      and "Link display of vote points", select 'do not display for both'.

09) Go to
    * To enable credit for just voting and creating storylinks, enter the
      amounts you wish to give for them in the below fields.
    * "Points for posting a story link" and the
      "Points for voting on a node(requires the Vote up/down module)".

10) Go to
    * Under "action set name", enter in a field "Promote node to front page"
      then click Save.
    * Select edit and enter the following:
      - select points under value type.
      - enter vote under tag.
      - enter sum under function.
      - select is greater than under comparison.
      - enter the required number for front page promotion.
      - under action select "Promote node to front page" and click Save.
      - under action select "Award userpoints from..." and click Save.

Also see the screenshot at 

11) Go to
    * Under action set name, enter in a field other than promote node to
      front page, "demote node from front page" then click Save.
    * Select edit and enter the following:
    - select points under value type.
    - enter vote under tag.
    - enter sum under function.
    - select is less than under comparison.
    - enter the required number for front page demotion.
    - under action select "Remove node from front page" and click Save.
    - under action select "Deduct userpoints from..." and click Save.

Also see the screenshot at 

12) Upload the node-storylink.tpl.php and template.php to the directory
    of your theme. If you already have a template.php, you will have to
    merge them. Merging instructions for the faint-of-heart are at and

OBS! When using "node-storylink.tpl.php" you must turn off
"Vote widget display..." in "admin/settings/vote_up_down" to avoid
getting double voting widgets.

And you're done!

Last updated:


View source
  1. Vote Up/Down 5.x installation documentation:
  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Author = Ron Williams (ron at ronsnexus dot com)
  4. Current Maintainer = Fredrik Jonsson
  5. Requires Drupal 5
  6. Licensed under GPL
  7. Requirements:
  8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. You will need to download the following items:
  10. * Vote Up/Down Package
  11. * Links Package
  12. (only needed with storylink module)
  13. * Voting API
  14. To be able to automatically promote story links that have a specified
  15. number of votes to the front page you also need to download these:
  16. * Actions
  17. * Voting Actions
  18. Recommended but not required modules:
  19. * Views (for creating customized views
  20. of content)
  21. * User Points (if you wish to
  22. have users awarded points for submitting content or voting)
  23. * Content Recommendation Engine
  24. (to recommend nodes and users to other user bases on the voting.
  25. Use query type "VotingAPI Point System Query".)
  26. Step By Step Installation for sites needing 'automatic promotion to front page':
  27. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. 01) Download and decompress the vote_up_down, links, votingapi, actions,
  29. voting_actions, views, and userpoints modules (listed above).
  30. 02) Upload the resulting directories to your /sites/all/modules/ directory.
  31. If this directory does not exist, please create it.
  32. 03) Log into your site as an admin user, and navigate to the
  33. page.
  34. 04) Enable these modules:
  35. * Actions
  36. * Links
  37. * Userpoints
  38. * Views
  39. * Storylink
  40. * Vote up/down
  41. * Voting API Actions
  42. * Voting API
  43. 05) Next, go to and enable the following items
  44. * userpoints module
  45. ** view userpoints (for anonymous and authenticated)
  46. * vote_storylink module
  47. ** create storylinks (for authenticated; only if you wish to allow users
  48. to create storylink posts for others to vote on)
  49. ** edit own storylinks (for authenticated; only if you wish to allow
  50. users to edit their own storylinks)
  51. * vote_up_down module
  52. ** use up-down vote (for authenticated)
  53. ** view up-down vote (for anonymous and authenticated)
  54. 06) Go to and click 'list'
  55. (this allows the Actions module to detect available actions).
  56. 07) Go to, and
  57. uncheck 'promoted to front page' (under workflow).
  58. 08) Go to
  59. * Under types, check 'storylink'.
  60. * Under Vote widget settings for nodes, in the field below
  61. "Vote widget display"", select 'disabled'.
  62. * Under "Vote widget settings for comments", in the "Vote widget display"
  63. and "Link display of vote points", select 'do not display for both'.
  64. 09) Go to
  65. * To enable credit for just voting and creating storylinks, enter the
  66. amounts you wish to give for them in the below fields.
  67. * "Points for posting a story link" and the
  68. "Points for voting on a node(requires the Vote up/down module)".
  69. 10) Go to
  70. * Under "action set name", enter in a field "Promote node to front page"
  71. then click Save.
  72. * Select edit and enter the following:
  73. - select points under value type.
  74. - enter vote under tag.
  75. - enter sum under function.
  76. - select is greater than under comparison.
  77. - enter the required number for front page promotion.
  78. - under action select "Promote node to front page" and click Save.
  79. - under action select "Award userpoints from..." and click Save.
  80. Also see the screenshot at
  81. /sites/all/modules/vote_up_down/documentation/voting_actions_examples/Promote_to_front_page.png
  82. 11) Go to
  83. * Under action set name, enter in a field other than promote node to
  84. front page, "demote node from front page" then click Save.
  85. * Select edit and enter the following:
  86. - select points under value type.
  87. - enter vote under tag.
  88. - enter sum under function.
  89. - select is less than under comparison.
  90. - enter the required number for front page demotion.
  91. - under action select "Remove node from front page" and click Save.
  92. - under action select "Deduct userpoints from..." and click Save.
  93. Also see the screenshot at
  94. /sites/all/modules/vote_up_down/documentation/voting_actions_examples/Demote_from_front_page.png
  95. 12) Upload the node-storylink.tpl.php and template.php to the directory
  96. of your theme. If you already have a template.php, you will have to
  97. merge them. Merging instructions for the faint-of-heart are at
  98. and
  99. OBS! When using "node-storylink.tpl.php" you must turn off
  100. "Vote widget display..." in "admin/settings/vote_up_down" to avoid
  101. getting double voting widgets.
  102. And you're done!
  103. Last updated:
  104. ------------