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views_table_rowspan.module in Views Table Rowspan 7

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  1. 8 views_table_rowspan.module

Merge duplicate rows in group to one row.


View source

 * @file
 * Merge duplicate rows in group to one row.

 * Implements hook_help().
function views_table_rowspan_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {

    // Help for module views_table_rowspan.
    case 'admin/help#views_table_rowspan':
      $help = '<p>' . t('Views Table Rowspan defines new views display format name "Table Rowspan". This display will group rows in table and merge row has same value to one row use property !url.', array(
        '!url' => '<a href="">rowspan</a>',
      )) . '</p>';
      $help .= '<ul>';
      $help .= '<li>' . t('Create a !link (for example, a list of node).', array(
        '!link' => l(t('new view'), 'admin/structure/views/add'),
      )) . '</li>';
      $help .= '<li>' . t('Set format Table Rowspan for this view.') . '</li>';
      $help .= '<li>' . t('Add some field to this view.') . '</li>';
      $help .= '<li>' . t('Group field that has same value.') . '</li>';
      $help .= '<li>' . t('Check option "Merge rows in group".') . '</li>';
      $help .= '</ul>';
      return $help;

 * Implements hook_views_api().
function views_table_rowspan_views_api() {
  return array(
    'api' => 3,
    'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'views_table_rowspan') . '/views',

 * Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
function views_table_rowspan_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
  if (isset($theme_registry['views_view_table'])) {
    $theme_registry['views_view_table']['preprocess functions'][] = 'views_table_rowspan_preprocess_callback';

 * Theme preprocess callback.
function views_table_rowspan_preprocess_callback(&$vars) {
  $view = $vars['view'];

  // Rows to separate group in table.
  $seperator_rows = array();
  if (isset($view->rowspan)) {
    foreach ($view->rowspan as $field_name => $rowspan) {
      foreach ($rowspan as $row_index => $num_span) {
        $vars['field_attributes'][$field_name][$row_index] = array(
          'rowspan' => count($num_span),
        $vars['field_classes'][$field_name][$row_index] .= ' cell-rowspan';
        if ($field_name == $view->style_options['grouping'][0]['field']) {
          $seperator_rows[] = $num_span[count($num_span) - 1];

        // Hide other columns.
        foreach ($num_span as $row_span_index) {
          $vars['field_attributes'][$field_name][$row_span_index] = array(
            'style' => 'display:none',
  $seperator_rows = array_unique($seperator_rows);
  foreach ($view->field as $view_field_name => $view_field) {
    foreach ($seperator_rows as $row_index) {
      $vars['field_classes'][$view_field_name][$row_index] .= ' cell-seperator';