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views-slideshow-thumbnail-hover.tpl.php in Views Slideshow 6


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 *  @file
 *  Views Slideshow: Thumbnail Hover
$base = drupal_get_path('module', 'views_slideshow');
drupal_add_js($base . '/js/views_slideshow.js', 'module');
drupal_add_css($base . '/css/views_slideshow.css', 'module');
$js = theme('views_slideshow_div_js', $rows, $options, $id);
drupal_add_js($js, 'inline');
$teaser = $options['hover_breakout'] == VIEWS_SLIDESHOW_HOVER_BREAKOUT_TEASER ? TRUE : FALSE;
$output = '';
$view_teasers = FALSE;

// As we're using the 'thumbnail hover' mode, then we need to display all the view thumbnails.
$view_teasers = theme('views_slideshow_breakout_teasers', $rows, $id);
if (!$options['teasers_last']) {
  $output .= $view_teasers;

// These are hidden elements, used to cycle through the main div
$hidden_elements = theme('views_slideshow_no_display_section', $view, $rows, $id, $options['mode'], $teaser);
$output .= theme('views_slideshow_main_section', $id, $hidden_elements);
if ($view_teasers && $options['teasers_last']) {
  $output .= $view_teasers;
print $output;