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views_rules.test in Views Rules 7

Simpletest implementations.


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 * @file
 * Simpletest implementations.

 * Base test for Views Rules.
abstract class ViewsRulesBaseTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * Creates site objects.
  protected function createSiteData() {
    $data = array();

    // Create sample items.
    $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('tags');
    $data['term'] = (object) array(
      'name' => 'Term 1',
      'vid' => $vocabulary->vid,
      'vocabulary_machine_name' => 'tags',
    $nodeBase = array(
      'type' => 'article',
      'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE,
      'field_tags' => array(
        LANGUAGE_NONE => array(
            'tid' => $data['term']->tid,
    $data['node1'] = $this
      'title' => 'Node 1',
    ) + $nodeBase);
    $data['node2'] = $this
      'title' => 'Node 2',
    ) + $nodeBase);
    $data['node3'] = $this
      'title' => 'Node 3',
    ) + $nodeBase);
    return $data;

   * Retrieves a file in the test directory.
  protected function getFileContents($fileName) {
    $filePath = drupal_get_path('module', 'views_rules_test') . '/' . $fileName;
    return file_get_contents($filePath);


 * Framework function tests.
class ViewsRulesFrameworkTestCase extends ViewsRulesBaseTestCase {

   * Declares test.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Framework tests',
      'description' => 'Tests basic module functionality.',
      'group' => 'Views Rules',
  protected function setUp() {

   * Tests data type listing.
  public function testDataTypes() {
    $entityInfo = entity_get_info();

    // Check only primitives are returned.
    $items = views_rules_data_types();
      ->assertIdentical(array(), array_intersect_key($items, $entityInfo), 'Default data types do not include entity types.');
      ->assertIdentical(array(), array_filter(array_keys($items), array(
    )), 'Default data types do not include lists.');

    // Check list types are returned.
    $items = views_rules_data_types(array(
      'list' => TRUE,
      ->assertNotIdentical(array(), array_filter(array_keys($items), array(
    )), 'List types are correctly enumerated.');
      ->assertIdentical($items, array_diff_key($items, $entityInfo), 'List types do not include entity types.');

    // Check entity types are returned.
    $items = views_rules_data_types(array(
      'entity' => TRUE,
      ->assertIdentical(array(), array_diff_key($entityInfo, $items), 'Entity types are correctly enumerated.');
      ->assertIdentical(array(), array_filter(array_keys($items), array(
    )), 'Entity data types do not include lists.');

   * Filters list data types.
  public static function filterListDataTypes($type) {
    return (bool) preg_match('/^list($|<)/', $type);

   * Tests listing rule iterator view displays.
  public function testListIterators() {
    $views_rules_test_id = 'views_rules_test:views_rules_1';
    $iterators = views_rules_list_iterators(FALSE);
      ->assertTrue(array_key_exists($views_rules_test_id, $iterators), 'Views iterators are corrected listed.');

   * Tests retrieving a view by view and display names joined by a colon.
  public function testGetView() {
    $displayId = 'views_rules_1';
    $view = views_rules_get_view('views_rules_test:' . $displayId);
      ->assertTrue(is_object($view) && $view instanceof view, 'Iterator view can be retrieved.');
      ->assertEqual($displayId, $view->current_display, 'Iterator display is active in retrieved view.');
      ->assertTrue($view->display_handler instanceof views_rules_iterator, 'Iterator object is ready.');


 * Views display tests.
class ViewsRulesViewsDisplayTestCase extends ViewsRulesBaseTestCase {

   * Declares test.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Views display tests',
      'description' => 'Tests Views display plugin implementation.',
      'group' => 'Views Rules',
  protected function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('views_rules_test', 'views_ui');
    $user = $this
      'administer views',

   * Tests iterator evaluation.
  public function testExecuteIterator() {
    $iterable = new ViewsRulesTestIterable();

    /** @var $iterator views_rules_plugin_display_rules */
    $iterator = views_rules_get_view('views_rules_test:views_rules_1')->display_handler;

    // Create sample items.
    $data = $this

    // Disable nid and test executing iterator.
    $option = $iterator
    $option['nid']['enabled'] = 0;
      ->set_option('rules_variables', $option);
    ), $iterable);
    $expectedData = array(
        'title' => 'Node 1',
        'title' => 'Node 2',
        'title' => 'Node 3',
      ->assertIdentical($expectedData, $iterable->rows, 'Iterator display correctly evaluates.');

    // Check execution for rendered result.
    $iterator = views_rules_get_view('views_rules_test:views_rules_1')->display_handler;
    $option = $iterator
    $option['title']['alter']['alter_text'] = 1;
    $option['title']['alter']['text'] = '<em>[title]</em>';
    $option['title']['link_to_node'] = 0;
      ->set_option('fields', $option);
    $option = $iterator
    $option['nid']['enabled'] = 0;
    $option['title']['rendered'] = 1;
      ->set_option('rules_variables', $option);
    ), $iterable
    $expectedData = array(
        'title' => '<em>Node 1</em>',
        'title' => '<em>Node 2</em>',
        'title' => '<em>Node 3</em>',
      ->assertIdentical($expectedData, $iterable->rows, 'Iterator display correctly evaluates rendered result.');

    // Check execution for non-field row styles.
    $iterator = views_rules_get_view('views_rules_non_field_test:views_rules_1')->display_handler;
    ), $iterable
    $expectedData = array(
        'node' => $data['node1']->nid,
        'node' => $data['node2']->nid,
        'node' => $data['node3']->nid,
      ->assertIdentical($expectedData, $iterable->rows, 'Iterator display correctly evaluates for non-field row style.');


 * Rules plugin tests.
class ViewsRulesViewLoopTestCase extends ViewsRulesBaseTestCase {

   * Declares test.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Rules view loop tests',
      'description' => 'Tests view loop integration with Rules.',
      'group' => 'Views Rules',
  protected function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('views_rules_test', 'rules_admin', 'views_ui');
    $user = $this
      'administer rules',
      'administer views',

   * Tests creation of a view loop.
  public function testViewLoopUI() {

    // Check redirection.
      'term' => array(
        'type' => 'taxonomy_term',
        'label' => 'Term',
      ->drupalGet('admin/config/workflow/rules/components/manage/test/add/1/view loop');
      ->assertUrl('admin/config/workflow/rules/components/manage/test/add-view-loop/1', array(), 'Form redirects when adding a view loop.');

    // Create view loop.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'views_rules_display' => 'views_rules_non_field_test:views_rules_1',
    ), t('Continue'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Switch to data selection'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'parameter[tid][settings][tid:select]' => 'term:tid',
    ), t('Save'));
      ->assertUrl('admin/config/workflow/rules/components/manage/test', array(), 'View loop creation form is saved.');
      ->assertLinkByHref('admin/structure/views/view/views_rules_non_field_test/edit/views_rules_1', 0, 'View loop can be added via UI.');

   * Tests evaluation of a view loop.
  public function testEvaluate() {
    $data = $this
    $expectedData = array(

    // Test view loop with fields.
    $comp = $this
    $result = $comp
      ->assertIdentical($expectedData, reset($result), 'View loop evaluates correctly.');

    // Test view loop without fields.
    $comp = $this
    $result = $comp
      ->assertIdentical($expectedData, reset($result), 'Non-field view loop evaluates correctly.');

    // Test evaluating view loop after data has changed.
    $newNode = (array) $data['node1'];
    $newNode = array_intersect_key($newNode, array_flip(array(
    $result = $comp
      ->assertNotIdentical($expectedData, reset($result), 'View loop result data is not prematurely cached.');

   * Tests exporting a view loop.
  public function testExport() {
    $comp = $this
    $comp->name = 'view_loop_test';
    $export = $this
      ->assertEqual($export, $comp
      ->export(), 'View loop exports correctly.');
      ->assertTrue(in_array('views_rules', $comp
      ->dependencies()), 'View loop depends on Views Rules.');

   * Tests importing a view loop.
  public function testImport() {
    $export = $this
    $comp = entity_import('rules_config', $export);
    $data = $this
    $expectedData = array(
    $result = $comp
      ->assertIdentical($expectedData, reset($result), 'Imported view loop evaluates correctly.');

   * Tests importing a view loop for an invalid display.
  public function testImportInvalidDisplay() {
    $export = $this
    $message = 'Importing view loop for missing display triggers integrity error.';
    try {

      /** @var $rules_config RulesPlugin */
      $rules_config = entity_import('rules_config', $export);
    } catch (RulesIntegrityException $e) {

   * Creates an action set to test a view loop.
  protected function createTestComponent() {
    $variables = array(
      'term' => array(
        'type' => 'taxonomy_term',
        'label' => 'Term',
      'list' => array(
        'type' => 'list',
        'label' => 'List',
        'parameter' => FALSE,
    $provides = array(
    $loop = views_rules_loop('views_rules_test', 'views_rules_1', array(
      'tid:select' => 'term:tid',
      'type' => 'article',
      'nid:var' => 'nid',
      'nid:label' => 'Node ID',
      'title:var' => 'title',
      'title:label' => 'Title',
    return rules_action_set($variables, $provides)
      ->action('list_add', array(
      'list:select' => 'list',
      'item:select' => 'title',

   * Creates an action set to test a view loop for a non-field view.
  protected function createTestNonFieldComponent() {
    $variables = array(
      'term' => array(
        'type' => 'taxonomy_term',
        'label' => 'Term',
      'list' => array(
        'type' => 'list',
        'label' => 'List',
        'parameter' => FALSE,
    $provides = array(
    $loop = views_rules_loop('views_rules_non_field_test', 'views_rules_1', array(
      'tid:select' => 'term:tid',
      'node:var' => 'node',
      'node:label' => 'Node',
    return rules_action_set($variables, $provides)
      ->action('list_add', array(
      'list:select' => 'list',
      'item:select' => 'node:title',


 * Rules plugin tests.
class ViewsRulesCollectActionTestCase extends ViewsRulesBaseTestCase {

   * Declares test.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Rules collect action tests',
      'description' => 'Tests view loop integration with Rules.',
      'group' => 'Views Rules',
  protected function setUp() {

   * Tests data collector.
  public function testCollector() {
    $data = $this

    /** @var $iterator views_rules_plugin_display_rules */
    $iterator = views_rules_get_view('views_rules_test:views_rules_1')->display_handler;
    $collector = new ViewsRulesResultCollector(array_keys($iterator
    ), $collector);
    $expectedData = array();
    foreach (array(
    ) as $field) {
      foreach (array(
      ) as $dataKey) {
        $expectedData[$field][] = $data[$dataKey]->{$field};
      ->assertIdentical($expectedData, $collector
      ->getData(), 'Collector correctly returns executed view data.');

   * Tests evaluating the action.
  public function testEvaluate() {
    $data = $this
    $variables = array(
      'term' => array(
        'type' => 'taxonomy_term',
        'label' => 'Term',
      'list1' => array(
        'type' => 'list',
        'label' => 'List 1',
        'parameter' => FALSE,
      'list2' => array(
        'type' => 'list',
        'label' => 'List 2',
        'parameter' => FALSE,
    $provides = array(
    $comp = rules_action_set($variables, $provides)
      ->action('views_rules_collect_rows', array(
      'views_rules_display' => 'views_rules_test:views_rules_1',
      'tid:select' => 'term:tid',
      'type' => 'article',
      'nid:var' => 'list_nid',
      'nid:label' => 'List of node IDs',
      'title:var' => 'list_title',
      'title:label' => 'List of node titles',
      ->action('data_set', array(
      'data:select' => 'list1',
      'value:select' => 'list_nid',
      ->action('data_set', array(
      'data:select' => 'list2',
      'value:select' => 'list_title',

    // Test evaluation.
    $expectedList1 = array(
    $expectedList2 = array(
    $return = $comp
      ->assertIdentical($expectedList1, reset($return), 'Collect action correctly returns a list of data.');
      ->assertIdentical($expectedList2, next($return), 'Collect action correctly returns all lists of data.');


 * Test suite for updates.
class ViewsRulesUpdateTestCase extends ViewsRulesBaseTestCase {

   * Declares test.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Update tests',
      'description' => 'Tests module updates.',
      'group' => 'Views Rules',
  protected function setUp() {

   * Tests views_rules_update_clean_collect_action_variable_names().
  public function testCleanCollectActionVariableNames() {
    $action = rules_action('views_rules_collect_rows', array(
      'views_rules_display' => 'views_rules_test:views_rules_1',
      'tid:select' => 'term:tid',
      'type' => 'article',
      'nid:var' => 'list_nid',
      'nid:label' => 'List of node IDs',
      'title:var' => 'list_title',
      'title:label' => 'List of node titles',
    $comp = rules_action_set(array(
      'term' => array(
        'type' => 'taxonomy_term',
        'label' => 'Term',
    $expectedSettings = array(
      'views_rules_display' => 'views_rules_test:views_rules_1',
      'tid:select' => 'term:tid',
      'type' => 'article',
      'nid:var' => 'list_nid',
      'nid:label' => 'List of node IDs',
      'title:var' => 'list_title',
      'title:label' => 'List of node titles',
    $updatedSettings = array_intersect_key($action->settings, array_flip(array_filter(array_keys($action->settings), 'element_child')));
      ->assertIdentical($expectedSettings, $updatedSettings, 'Prefixed collect action variable names are cleaned.');



Namesort descending Description
ViewsRulesBaseTestCase Base test for Views Rules.
ViewsRulesCollectActionTestCase Rules plugin tests.
ViewsRulesFrameworkTestCase Framework function tests.
ViewsRulesUpdateTestCase Test suite for updates.
ViewsRulesViewLoopTestCase Rules plugin tests.
ViewsRulesViewsDisplayTestCase Views display tests.