You are here in Views OAI-PMH 7.3

Contains the base OAI-PMH style plugin.


View source

 * @file
 * Contains the base OAI-PMH style plugin.

 * Views OAI-PMH_plugin style.
class views_oai_pmh_plugin_style extends views_plugin_style {

   * The OAI-PMH request, represented by a views_oai_pmh_request object.
   * @var object
  protected $request;

   * The XML response document, a DOMDocument object.
   * @var object
  protected $xml;

   * The root element of the XML response, a DOMElement object.
   * @var object
  protected $xml_root;

   * The container element for the response.
   * @var object
  protected $xml_verb;

   * Views plugin interface.

   * Option definition.
  public function option_definition() {
    $options = parent::option_definition();
    $options['enabled_formats'] = array(
      'default' => array(
        'oai_dc' => 'oai_dc',
    $options['field_mappings'] = array(
      'default' => array(),
    return $options;

   * Provide settings for this plugin.
  public function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) {

    // It is very important to call the parent function here:
    parent::options_form($form, $form_state);
    $handlers = $this->display->handler
    if (empty($handlers)) {
      $form['error_markup'] = array(
        '#markup' => '<div class="error messages">' . t('You need at least one field before you can configure your table settings') . '</div>',
    $formats = views_oai_pmh_list_metadata_formats();

    // Add metadata format checkboxes.
    foreach ($formats as $id) {
      $format_options[$id] = $id . ' - ' . views_oai_pmh_get_metadata_format($id)->label;
    $form['enabled_formats'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkboxes',
      '#title' => t('OAI-PMH metadata formats'),
      '#description' => t('Select the metadata format(s) that you wish to publish. Note that the Dublin Core format must remain enabled as it is required by the OAI-PMH standard.'),
      '#default_value' => $this->options['enabled_formats'],
      '#options' => $format_options,

    // 'oai_dc' is read-only.
    $form['enabled_formats']['oai_dc']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
    $form['metadata_prefix'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Metadata prefixes'),

    // Add mapping selectors.
    $fields = $this->display->handler
    $field_labels = $this->display->handler
    foreach ($formats as $id) {
      $format = views_oai_pmh_get_metadata_format($id);
      $form['metadata_prefix'][$id] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => $format->label,
        '#default_value' => $this->options['metadata_prefix'][$id] ? $this->options['metadata_prefix'][$id] : $id,
        '#required' => TRUE,
        '#size' => 16,
        '#maxlength' => 32,
      $form['field_mappings'][$id] = array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#title' => t('Field mappings for <em>@format</em>', array(
          '@format' => $format->label,
        '#theme' => 'views_oai_pmh_field_mappings_form',
        '#states' => array(
          'visible' => array(
            ':input[name="style_options[enabled_formats][' . $id . ']"]' => array(
              'checked' => TRUE,
      foreach ($fields as $field_name => $info) {
        $form['field_mappings'][$id][$field_name] = array(
          '#type' => 'select',
          '#options' => $format->elements,
          '#default_value' => !empty($this->options['field_mappings'][$id][$field_name]) ? $this->options['field_mappings'][$id][$field_name] : '',
          '#title' => $field_labels[$field_name],

    // Metadata prefix for 'oai_dc' is read-only.
    $form['metadata_prefix']['oai_dc']['#disabled'] = TRUE;

   * Option validate.
  public function options_validate(&$form, &$form_state) {

    // 'oai_dc' is always on.
    $form_state['values']['style_options']['enabled_formats']['oai_dc'] = 'oai_dc';

    // 'oai_dc' is read-only.
    $form_state['values']['style_options']['metadata_prefix']['oai_dc'] = 'oai_dc';
    foreach ($form_state['values']['style_options']['metadata_prefix'] as $id1 => $metadata_prefix1) {

      // Check for invalid metadata prefixes.
      // Regex based on
      if (!preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9\\-_\\.!~\\*'\\(\\)]+\$/", $metadata_prefix1)) {
        form_error($form['metadata_prefix'][$id1], t("The metadata prefix '@prefix' contains characters that are not allowed in metadata prefixes.", array(
          '@prefix' => $metadata_prefix1,

      // Check for duplicate metadata prefixes.
      foreach ($form_state['values']['style_options']['metadata_prefix'] as $id2 => $metadata_prefix2) {
        if ($metadata_prefix1 == $metadata_prefix2 && $id1 != $id2) {
          form_error($form['metadata_prefix'][$id2], t("Metadata prefix '@prefix' is not unique.", array(
            '@prefix' => $metadata_prefix1,
    parent::options_validate($form, $form_state);

   * Query.
  public function query() {
    global $base_url;
    if (!isset($this->request)) {

      // Initialize the request from URL arguments.
      $this->request = new views_oai_pmh_request($base_url . base_path() . $this->display->handler
        ->get_path(), $this
        ->get_metadata_prefixes(), isset($this->view->live_preview) && $this->view->live_preview);

    // Perform the query action specified by the requested OAI-PMH verb.
    if ($this->request->verb && !$this->request->errors) {
      $callback = $this->request->callback . '_query';
      if (method_exists($this, $callback)) {
    if ($this->request->errors) {

      // Avoid execution of the view's query.
      $this->view->executed = TRUE;

   * Render.
  public function render() {

    // Perform the render action specified by the requested OAI-PMH verb.
    if ($this->request->verb && !$this->request->errors) {
      $callback = $this->request->callback . '_render';
      if (method_exists($this, $callback)) {

    // Append all errors, if any, to the XML document.
    $variables = array(
      'view' => $this->view,
      'options' => $this->options,
      'request' => $this->request,
      'xml' => $this->xml,
      'xml_root' => $this->xml_root,
      'xml_verb' => $this->xml_verb,
    return theme('views_oai_pmh_response', $variables);

   * Internal query methods.

   * Prepares the query for an 'Identify' OAI-PMH request.
  protected function identify_query() {

    // We do not need the view's results to provide a response.
    $this->view->executed = TRUE;

   * Prepares the query for a 'ListMetadataFormats' OAI-PMH request.
  protected function list_metadata_formats_query() {

    // We do not need the view's results to provide a response.
    $this->view->executed = TRUE;

   * Prepares the query for a 'ListIdentifiers' OAI-PMH request.
  protected function list_identifiers_query() {
    if ($this->request->resumption_token) {
    else {

   * Prepares the query for a 'GetRecord' OAI-PMH request.
  protected function get_record_query() {
      ->add_where(0, 'node.nid', $this->request->nid, '=');

   * Prepares the query for a 'ListRecords' OAI-PMH request.
  protected function list_records_query() {
    if ($this->request->resumption_token) {
    else {

   * Adds the fields needed for record retrieval to the view's query.
  protected function add_record_query_fields() {
      ->add_field('node', 'nid');
      ->add_field('node', 'changed');
      ->add_orderby('node', 'nid', 'ASC');

   * Add the requested date range to the view's query.
  protected function add_record_query_dates() {
    if ($this->request->from) {
        ->add_where(0, 'node.changed', strtotime($this->request->from), '>=');
    if ($this->request->until) {
        ->add_where(0, 'node.changed', strtotime($this->request->until), '<=');

   * Load the resumption token and resume query.
  protected function load_resumption_token_and_resume_query() {
    $cache = db_select('cache_views_oai_pmh', 'c')
      ->condition('cid', $this->request->resumption_token, '=')
      ->condition('expire', time() - VIEWS_OAI_PMH_TOKEN_LIFETIME, '>')
    if (isset($cache->data)) {
      $cache->data = unserialize($cache->data);
      if (is_array($cache->data) && $cache->data['verb'] == $this->request->verb) {
        $this->view->query = $cache->data['query'];

        // Offset the query.
          ->set_current_page($cache->data['current_page'] + 1);

        // Restore some of the request data.
        $this->request->metadata_format = views_oai_pmh_get_metadata_format($cache->data['metadata_format']);
    $this->request->errors[] = new views_oai_pmh_error_bad_resumption_token($this->request->resumption_token);

   * Internal render methods.

   * Renders a response to the 'identify' OAI-PMH request.
  protected function identify_render() {

    // TODO: Should use the view's query to get a more accurate value.
    $datestamp = db_query('SELECT MIN(changed) FROM {node}')
    $elements = array(
      'repositoryName' => $this->display->handler->options['title'],
      'baseURL' => $this->request->base_url,
      'protocolVersion' => '2.0',
      'adminEmail' => variable_get('site_mail', ini_get('sendmail_from')),
      'earliestDatestamp' => gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', $datestamp),
      'deletedRecord' => 'no',
      'granularity' => 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ',
      ->xml_append_children($this->xml_verb, $elements);

   * Renders a response to the 'ListMetadataFormats' OAI-PMH request.
   * The request's 'identifier' argument, if present, is just ignored here
   * since the same formats are supported regardless of the requested node.
  protected function list_metadata_formats_render() {
    $enabled_formats = $this
    foreach ($enabled_formats as $metadata_prefix => $format_id) {
      if ($format = views_oai_pmh_get_metadata_format($format_id)) {
        $format_element = $this->xml
        $elements = array(
          'metadataPrefix' => $metadata_prefix,
          'schema' => $format->schema,
          'metadataNamespace' => $format
          ->xml_append_children($format_element, $elements);

   * Renders a response to the 'ListIdentifiers' OAI-PMH request.
  protected function list_identifiers_render() {
    if ($this->view->result) {
      foreach ($this->view->result as $row_index => $row) {
          ->append_record_header($this->xml_verb, $row_index, $row);
    else {
      $this->request->errors[] = new views_oai_pmh_error_no_records_match();

   * Renders a response to the 'GetRecord' OAI-PMH request.
  protected function get_record_render() {
    if ($this->view->result && ($row = $this->view->result[0])) {
      $record = $this->xml
        ->append_record_header($record, 0, $row);
        ->append_record_metadata($record, 0, $row);
    else {
      $this->request->errors[] = new views_oai_pmh_error_unknown_id($this->request->original_args['identifier']);

   * Renders a response to the 'ListRecords' OAI-PMH request.
  protected function list_records_render() {
    if ($this->view->result) {
      foreach ($this->view->result as $row_index => $row) {
        $record = $this->xml
          ->append_record_header($record, $row_index, $row);
          ->append_record_metadata($record, $row_index, $row);
    else {
      $this->request->errors[] = new views_oai_pmh_error_no_records_match();

  protected function append_oai_identifier_description($parent) {
    $description_element = $this->xml
    $oai_identifier_element = $this->xml
      ->createElementNS('', 'oai-identifier');
    $oai_identifier_attributes = array(
      'xmlns:xsi' => '',
      'xsi:schemaLocation' => '',
      ->xml_set_attributes($oai_identifier_element, $oai_identifier_attributes);
    $elements = array(
      'scheme' => 'oai',
      'repositoryIdentifier' => $this->request
      'delimiter' => ':',
      'sampleIdentifier' => $this
      ->xml_append_children($oai_identifier_element, $elements);

   * Append record header.
  protected function append_record_header($parent, $row_index, $row) {
    $header_element = $this->xml
    $elements = array(
      'identifier' => $this
      'datestamp' => gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', $row->node_changed),
      ->xml_append_children($header_element, $elements);

   * Builds the core of a record's XML.
   * Builds the core of a record's XML by using the mappings configured in
   * the view.
  protected function append_record_metadata($parent, $row_index, $row) {
    $metadata_element = $this->xml
    $metadata_root = $this->xml

    // Getting the configurable root elements.
    $configurable_root_attributes = $this
      ->get_root_attribute_elements($row_index, $this->view->field);

    // Merging all the root attributes.
    $root_attributes = array_merge($this->request->metadata_format->root_attributes, $configurable_root_attributes);

    // Setting the root attributes.
      ->xml_set_attributes($metadata_root, $root_attributes);

    // Prepare XPath object for later use.
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($this->xml);
    foreach ($this->request->metadata_format->namespaces as $namespace_prefix => $namespace_uri) {
      if (!$xpath
        ->registerNamespace($namespace_prefix, $namespace_uri)) {
        watchdog('views_oai_pmh', 'Error registering namespace @uri', array(
          '@uri' => $namespace_uri,
        ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);

    // Available attributes, as an array of field ids keyed by attribute name.
    $available_attributes = array();
    foreach ($this->view->field as $field_name => $field) {
      list($mapping, $is_attribute) = $this
      if ($is_attribute) {

        // Field is mapped to an attribute. Mark it is available for an upcoming
        // element.
        $available_attributes[$mapping] = $field_name;
      else {

        // Field is mapped to an element. Build the element in the XML tree.
        $used_attributes = array();

        // $field_value is the output value from the view exactly as it should
        // be shown if the view mode was a page.
        $field_value = $this
          ->get_field($row_index, $field_name);
        if ($field->options['exclude'] || empty($mapping) || empty($field_value) && $field->options['hide_empty']) {
          if (!empty($mapping)) {

            // Eat attributes that would have been consumed by the field's
            // mapping, had the field not been empty. This prevents attributes
            // from spilling to subsequent fields they were not intended for.
              ->eat_attributes(explode('/', $mapping), $available_attributes);

          // Skip this field.

        // Convert field value to an array.
        if (isset($field->multiple) && $field->multiple) {
          $field_values = explode($field->options['separator'], $field_value);
        else {
          $field_values = array(

        // Build XML elements for each value.
        // Track position of current field values.
        $delta = 0;
        foreach ($field_values as $field_value) {

          // Path of the current element in the mapping string.
          $mapping_path = array();

          // Path of the current element, free of mapping codes.
          $element_path = array();
          $nodes_in_element_path = array();
          $parent = $metadata_root;
          foreach (explode('/', $mapping) as $element) {
            $mapping_path[] = $element;
            if (implode('/', $mapping_path) != $mapping) {

              // We're not on a tree leaf. If the element has a '[]' suffix,
              // we'll try to work under an existing node whose position
              // matches $delta. If the element has a '[n]' suffix, we'll try
              // to work under an existing node at position 'n'. If neither
              // case applies, a new node will get created.
              $element_xpath_pattern = $this
                ->prepare_tag($element, $delta);

              // Check if child exists.
              $existing_nodes = $xpath
                ->query($element_xpath_pattern, $parent);
              if ($existing_nodes !== FALSE && $existing_nodes->length) {

                // Found an existing node matching the path. No need to create a
                // new one.
                $element_node = $existing_nodes
              else {

                // Create a new node.
                $element_node = $this->xml
            else {

              // We're on a tree leaf. Create a new node no matter what, with
              // the field value.
                ->prepare_tag($element, $delta);
              $element_node = $this->xml
                ->createElement($element, check_plain($field_value));
            $element_path[] = $element;
            $nodes_in_element_path[implode('/', $element_path)] = $element_node;

            // Prepare next iteration.
            $parent = $element_node;
            ->apply_attributes($row_index, $field, $delta, $nodes_in_element_path, $available_attributes, $used_attributes);

          // Moving on to next field value.

        // Remove attributes that have been consumed by this field.
        $available_attributes = array_diff_key($available_attributes, $used_attributes);

   * Applies the available attributes to any of the given nodes.
   * Applies the available attributes to any of the given nodes, whenever a
   * node's path matches an attribute's path. Unused attributes may remain.
   * Matching is starts with the leaf node, to avoid overwriting attributes
   * that might have already been applied to parent nodes.
   * @param int $row_index
   *   The row index.
   * @param string $field
   *   The field name.
   * @param int $delta
   *   The delta.
   * @param array $nodes
   *   A list of nodes belonging to a single path, sorted parents first, and
   *   keyed by their paths.
   * @param array $available_attributes
   *   A list of available attributes.
   * @param array $used_attributes
   *   A list of used attributes.
  protected function apply_attributes($row_index, $field, $delta, array $nodes, array $available_attributes, array &$used_attributes) {
    foreach (array_reverse($nodes) as $element_path => $element_node) {

      // Check if the metadata format supports any attributes on the current
      // path.
      if (isset($this->request->metadata_format->attributes[$element_path]) && !empty($this->request->metadata_format->attributes[$element_path])) {

        // Check if any of our available attributes are among those supported by
        // the metadata format.
        foreach ($available_attributes as $attribute_name => $attribute_field_name) {
          if (in_array($attribute_name, $this->request->metadata_format->attributes[$element_path])) {

            // Attribute applies. Let's add it!
            $attribute_field = $this->view->field[$attribute_field_name];
            $attribute_value = $this
              ->get_field($row_index, $attribute_field_name);
            if (isset($attribute_field->multiple) && $attribute_field->multiple && isset($field->multiple) && $field->multiple) {

              // Find attribute delta matching the current field delta.
              $attribute_values = explode($attribute_field->options['separator'], $attribute_value);
              if (isset($attribute_values[$delta])) {
                $attribute_value = $attribute_values[$delta];
            $attribute_value = trim($attribute_value);
            if (!$attribute_field->options['hide_empty'] || !empty($attribute_value)) {
                ->setAttribute($attribute_name, check_plain($attribute_value));
            $used_attributes[$attribute_name] = TRUE;

            // Remove this attribute from the available ones before proceeding
            // with the remainder of the path.

   * Check whether any of the available attributes applies to elements.
   * Check whether any of the available attributes applies to elements. in the
   * given path. Attributes that apply get removed from $available_attributes.
  protected function eat_attributes($path, &$available_attributes) {

    // Clean path to match format used by metadata_format->attributes keys.
    foreach (array_keys($path) as $index) {

    // Loop through all subpaths, starting with the full path.
    while (!empty($path)) {
      $subpath = implode('/', $path);

      // Check if the metadata format supports any attributes on the current
      // path.
      if (isset($this->request->metadata_format->attributes[$subpath]) && !empty($this->request->metadata_format->attributes[$subpath])) {

        // Check if any of our available attributes are among those supported by
        // the metadata format.
        foreach ($available_attributes as $attribute_name => $attribute_field_name) {
          if (in_array($attribute_name, $this->request->metadata_format->attributes[$subpath])) {

            // Attribute applies. Let's remove it from the available ones!

   * Prepare a tag.
   * Given a tag originating from a mapping string, cleans it from mapping
   * codes (so it becomes proper for addition to the XML document), and returns
   * an xpath pattern useful to check if the element already exists.
  protected static function prepare_tag(&$tag, $delta = 0) {
    $matches = array();
    if (preg_match('/^(.+)\\[([0-9]+)\\]$/', $tag, $matches)) {

      // Mapping element has a '[0-9]' suffix. Use that directly as the xpath.
      $xpath_pattern = $tag;

      // Replace with string without suffix.
      $tag = $matches[1];
    elseif (preg_match('/^(.+)\\[\\]$/', $tag, $matches)) {

      // Mapping element has a '[]' suffix. Fill brackets with current delta.
      // Replace with string without suffix.
      $tag = $matches[1];
      $xpath_pattern = $tag . '[' . ($delta + 1) . ']';
    else {
      $xpath_pattern = $tag;
    return $xpath_pattern;

   * Saves a resumption token to the database and appends it to the XML.
  protected function save_resumption_token() {
    if (get_class($this->view->query->pager) != 'views_plugin_pager_full') {
      watchdog('views_oai_pmh', 'Unexpected pager type. A full pager is required for harvesters to be able to retrieve all the data.', NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    $items_per_page = $this->view->query->pager
    $total_items = $this->view->query->pager

    // Only generate the token if the list is incomplete.
    if ($total_items > $items_per_page) {
      $current_page = $this->view->query->pager
      $total_pages = $this->view->query->pager
      $cursor = $items_per_page * $current_page;

      // When the list is complete, standard requires that an empty token is
      // output.
      $token = $current_page == $total_pages - 1 ? '' : md5(uniqid());

      // Add token output.
      $token_element = $this->xml
        ->createElement('resumptionToken', $token);
        ->setAttribute('completeListSize', $total_items);
        ->setAttribute('cursor', $cursor);
      if ($token) {
        $expire = time() + VIEWS_OAI_PMH_TOKEN_LIFETIME;
          ->setAttribute('expirationDate', gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', $expire));

        // Save token to database.
        $data = array(
          'verb' => $this->request->verb,
          'metadata_format' => $this->request->metadata_format->id,
          'query' => $this->view->query,
          'current_page' => $current_page,
        $fields = array(
          'serialized' => 1,
          'created' => $this->request->response_timestamp,
          'expire' => $expire,
          'data' => serialize($data),
          'cid' => $token,

        // Doing our own insert here because cache_set() is silently eating
        // max_allowed_packet errors and dropping cache inserts. Changing the
        // database configuration fixes the error, so let's make users aware of
        // it. Reference:
        // cache_set($token, $cache, 'cache_views_oai_pmh', time() +

   * Internal XML building methods.

   * Creates the DOMDocument for the OAI-PMH response.
   * Creates the DOMDocument for the OAI-PMH response. with elements that are
   * common to all responses.
  protected function xml_init() {
    $this->xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
    $this->xml->preserveWhitespace = FALSE;
    $this->xml->formatOutput = TRUE;
    $this->xml_root = $this->xml
    $this->xml_root = $this->xml
      ->setAttribute('xmlns', '');
      ->setAttribute('xmlns:xsi', '');
      ->setAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation', '');
      ->xml_append_children($this->xml_root, array(
      'responseDate' => $this->request->response_date,

   * Adds a node for the <request> element to the XML document.
  protected function xml_append_request() {
    $request_element = $this->xml
      ->createElement('request', $this->request->base_url);

    // Provide attributes, unless a badVerb or badArgument error has occurred.
    if (!$this->request
      ->is_bad()) {
      if ($this->request->verb) {
          ->setAttribute('verb', $this->request->verb);
      foreach ($this->request->original_args as $arg => $value) {
          ->setAttribute($arg, $value);

   * Adds a node for the OAI-PMH verb to the XML document.
   * Successful responses append their content to such nodes.
  protected function xml_append_verb() {

    // Add verb element, e.g. <Identify>, <GetRecord>, etc.
    if (!$this->request->errors) {
      $this->xml_verb = $this->xml

   * Adds all errors to the XML document.
  protected function xml_append_errors() {
    foreach ($this->request->errors as $error) {
      $error_element = $this->xml
        ->createElement('error', $error
        ->setAttribute('code', $error->code);

   * Creates multiple children elements under a common parent in the XML.
   * Creates multiple children elements under a common parent in the XML.
   * document. Key-value pairs from the $children array correspond to tag-value
   * pairs to create.
  protected function xml_append_children($parent, $children) {
    foreach ($children as $tag => $value) {
      $element = $this->xml
        ->createElement($tag, check_plain($value));

   * Adds multiple attributes to a given element.
   * Key-value pairs from the $attributes array correspond to attribute-value
   * pairs to set.
  protected static function xml_set_attributes($element, $attributes) {
    foreach ($attributes as $name => $value) {
        ->setAttribute($name, $value);

   * Internal utility methods.

   * Make the record identifier.
  protected function make_record_identifier($entity_id) {
    return $this->request
      ->make_record_identifier_prefix() . $entity_id;

   * Get the values for the root attribute elements.
   * @return array
   *   An array with root attribute elements keyed by his name.
  protected function get_root_attribute_elements($row_index, $fields) {
    $root_attributes = array();
    foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field) {
      $attribute_field = $this->view->field[$field_name];
      $attribute_value = $this
        ->get_field($row_index, $field_name);
      if (isset($this->options['field_mappings'][$this->request->metadata_format->id][$field_name]) && (!$attribute_field->options['hide_empty'] || !empty($attribute_value))) {
        $mapping = $this->options['field_mappings'][$this->request->metadata_format->id][$field_name];
        if ($mapping != 'none' && $mapping[0] == '_') {
          $root_attributes[substr($mapping, 1)] = $this
            ->get_field($row_index, $field_name);
    return $root_attributes;

   * Get the mapping for a field.
   * @return array
   *   An array where the first value is either a element path, or an attribute
   *   name the field is mapped to, and the second value a boolean that is TRUE
   *   if the first value is an attribute (not root attribute), FALSE otherwise.
  protected function get_mapping($field_name) {
    if (isset($this->options['field_mappings'][$this->request->metadata_format->id][$field_name])) {
      $mapping = $this->options['field_mappings'][$this->request->metadata_format->id][$field_name];
      if ($mapping != 'none' && $mapping[0] != '_') {
        if ($mapping[0] == '@') {

          // Mapping is an attribute.
          return array(
            substr($mapping, 1),

        // Mapping is an element.
        return array(
    return array(

   * Returns an array with all the enabled metadata formats.
   * The array is keyed by metadata prefix.
  protected function get_metadata_prefixes() {
    $enabled = array();
    foreach ($this->options['enabled_formats'] as $id) {

      // If format $id is enabled.
      if ($id) {

        // Add its metadata prefix.
          ->get_metadata_prefix($id)] = $id;
    return $enabled;

   * Get the metadata prefix corresponding to the given metadata format id.
   * Get the metadata prefix corresponding to the given metadata format id,
   * based on the plugin's settings.
  protected function get_metadata_prefix($format_id) {
    if (isset($this->options['metadata_prefix'])) {
      return $this->options['metadata_prefix'][$format_id];
    else {

      // Prefix settings are missing. We're probably dealing with a view that
      // was created before the setting existed.
      return $format_id;



Namesort descending Description
views_oai_pmh_plugin_style Views OAI-PMH_plugin style.