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Views nodes split

  This module allows site administrators or builders to have a different view
mode for the first nodes of a view result.

  If you ever had (or currently have) this scenario: you have a view of nodes
but you want that the first node (or first X nodes) to have a different view
mode, then this module is for you. The module can split the results from a view
into 2 lists. It actually does not make 2 separate lists, it just uses a
a different view mode to render the first X nodes from a view.


View source
  1. =============================================================================
  2. Views nodes split
  3. Overview:
  4. =============================================================================
  5. This module allows site administrators or builders to have a different view
  6. mode for the first nodes of a view result.
  7. Description:
  8. =============================================================================
  9. If you ever had (or currently have) this scenario: you have a view of nodes
  10. but you want that the first node (or first X nodes) to have a different view
  11. mode, then this module is for you. The module can split the results from a view
  12. into 2 lists. It actually does not make 2 separate lists, it just uses a
  13. a different view mode to render the first X nodes from a view.