You are here in Views Node Access Filter 8

Node access hooks.

Drupal's current node access system relies on two sub-systems:

  • When an individual view is displayed, hook_node_access() is invoked.
  • When a list of nodes is built, through an SQL query (typically with

Views), hook_node_access() is not called, for performance reasons, and the query is just altered to check a node access registry table.

The problem is that core only registers a view grant in database, as the update access is never used to retrieve lists. As we need it, we build the grants that match core behavior: update access is given per role and content type, for own or any nodes.

If other modules alter the update access through hook_node_access(), they should also implement hook_node_grants() and hook_node_access_records() to be taken into account by this module. But no security worry if they don't, the node might be listed if view access is allowed, but the edit access will still be denied it the other module says so.

We do not need to trigger an access registry update on our own as it's already called by core when the node is saved, when permissions are saved or when a module is enabled or disabled.

View source

 * @file
 * Node access hooks.
 * Drupal's current node access system relies on two sub-systems:
 * - When an individual view is displayed, hook_node_access() is invoked.
 * - When a list of nodes is built, through an SQL query (typically with
 * Views),
 * hook_node_access() is not called, for performance reasons, and the query
 * is just altered to check a node access registry table.
 * The problem is that core only registers a view grant in database, as the
 * update access is never used to retrieve lists.
 * As we need it, we build the grants that match core behavior: update access
 * is given per role and content type, for own or any nodes.
 * If other modules alter the update access through hook_node_access(), they
 * should also implement hook_node_grants() and hook_node_access_records() to
 * be taken into account by this module. But no security worry if they don't,
 * the node might be listed if view access is allowed, but the edit access will
 * still be denied it the other module says so.
 * We do not need to trigger an access registry update on our own as it's
 * already called by core when the node is saved, when permissions are saved or
 * when a module is enabled or disabled.
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
use Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface;

 * Implements hook_node_grants().
 * @see node_query_node_access_alter()
 * @see node_node_access()
function views_node_access_filter_node_grants(AccountInterface $account, $op) {
  $grants = [];
  if ($op == 'update') {
    foreach (array_keys(NodeType::loadMultiple()) as $type) {
      if ($account
        ->hasPermission('edit any ' . $type . ' content')) {
        $grants['edit any ' . $type . ' content'] = [
      elseif ($account
        ->id() && $account
        ->hasPermission('edit own ' . $type . ' content')) {
        $grants['edit own ' . $type . ' content'] = [
  elseif ($op == 'view') {
    if ($account
      ->hasPermission('view own unpublished content')) {
      $grants['view own unpublished content'] = [
  return $grants;

 * Implements hook_node_access_records().
 * @see views_node_access_filter_node_grants()
function views_node_access_filter_node_access_records(NodeInterface $node) {
  $type = $node
  $grants = [];
  $grants[] = [
    'realm' => 'edit any ' . $type . ' content',
    'gid' => 0,
    'grant_view' => 0,
    'grant_update' => 1,
    'grant_delete' => 0,
  if ($owner_id = $node
    ->getOwnerId()) {
    $grants[] = [
      'realm' => 'edit own ' . $type . ' content',
      'gid' => $owner_id,
      'grant_view' => 0,
      'grant_update' => 1,
      'grant_delete' => 0,
  return $grants;

 * Implements hook_node_access_records_alter().
function views_node_access_filter_node_access_records_alter(&$grants, NodeInterface $node) {

  // As soon as there is at least one record for a node, Drupal core does not
  // handle default view access on its side.
  // @see NodeAccessControlHandler::acquireGrants()
  // But our module doesn't want to alter default view access, so, if no other
  // module defines records, we mimic the default core behavior.
  if (!_views_node_access_filter_external_grants_are_defined($grants, $node)) {
    if ($node
      ->isPublished()) {
      $grants[] = [
        'realm' => 'all',
        'gid' => 0,
        'grant_view' => 1,
        'grant_update' => 0,
        'grant_delete' => 0,
    elseif ($owner_id = $node
      ->getOwnerId()) {
      $grants[] = [
        'realm' => 'view own unpublished content',
        'gid' => $owner_id,
        'grant_view' => 1,
        'grant_update' => 0,
        'grant_delete' => 0,

 * Tells if external grants are defined.
function _views_node_access_filter_external_grants_are_defined($grants, $node) {
  $own_grants = views_node_access_filter_node_access_records($node);
  return count($grants) > count($own_grants);

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_update().
function views_node_access_filter_user_role_update(EntityInterface $entity) {

  // Rebuild node grants when permissions change.