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public static function views_menu_children_argument::joinMenuLinksTableToNode in Views Menu Node Children Filter 7


\views_plugin_query $query:

string $menu_name The menu's machine name we want to filter by.:

bool $allow_duplicate_join If "false", prevents this join from joining more than once if this function is called repeatedly.:

2 calls to views_menu_children_argument::joinMenuLinksTableToNode()
views_menu_children_argument::query in includes/
Set up the query for this argument.
views_menu_children_sort_handler::query in includes/
Called to add the sort to a query.


includes/, line 149




public static function joinMenuLinksTableToNode(\views_plugin_query $query, $menu_name, $allow_duplicate_join = false) {

  // Because this can be called from the argument and sort handlers,
  // first check to see if the join as already been applied.
  if (!$allow_duplicate_join && isset($query->tables['node']['menu_links'])) {

  // We need to join on the menu_links table.
  // Use our special views_join object to accomplish this.
  $join = new views_menu_children_join();
  $join->prefixes[] = 'node/';
  drupal_alter('views_menu_children_filter_join', $join->prefixes, $menu_name, $query);
    ->queue_table("menu_links", "node", $join);
    ->add_where_expression(0, "menu_links.menu_name = :targetmenu", array(
    ':targetmenu' => $menu_name,