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public static function views_menu_children_argument::filterByParentPage in Views Menu Node Children Filter 7

Filter the query by either a: parent node, page page via its link_path, or null and limit to root nodes.


null|string|integer $page_identifier The menu_item table's link_path. I.e.: node/100 (Supports an integer to default to node/%):

string $menu_name The menu's machine name we want to filter by.:

\views_plugin_query $query The query we're going to alter.:

1 call to views_menu_children_argument::filterByParentPage()
views_menu_children_argument::query in includes/
Set up the query for this argument.


includes/, line 118




public static function filterByParentPage($page_identifier, $menu_name, \views_plugin_query $query) {

  // If not page identifier is provided, select only root nodes of the menu.
  if (empty($page_identifier)) {
    $parent['mlid'] = 0;
  else {

    // Convert potential aliases to the system path.
    $page_identifier = drupal_get_normal_path($page_identifier);

    // Get the parent page menu item details.
    $parent = menu_link_get_preferred($page_identifier, $menu_name);

    // When a link was not found for the $page_identifier,
    // return zero results.
    if ($parent === FALSE) {
      $parent['mlid'] = -1;
    ->add_where_expression(0, 'menu_links.plid = :parent_lid', array(
    ':parent_lid' => $parent['mlid'],