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protected function views_plugin_style_geojson::form_fields_replace in Views GeoJSON 7

Replaces form field placehoders with their substitutions.


string $output: The text output of the current display.

bool $encode: Whether or not to json encode placeholders.

Return value

string Returns the output of the current display with form field placeholders replaced.

See also


1 call to views_plugin_style_geojson::form_fields_replace()
views_plugin_style_geojson::render in views/
Implementation of view_style_plugin::render().


views/, line 415
Views style plugin to render nodes in the GeoJSON format.


Implementation of views_plugin_style.


protected function form_fields_replace($output, $encode = TRUE) {

  // If form fields were found in the view.
  if (views_view_has_form_elements($this->view)) {

    // The minimum form elements needed to do the replacement are 'output',
    // '#substitutions' and the form element name of each field.
    $elements = array(
    foreach ($this->view->field as $field_name => $field) {
      $form_element_name = $field_name;
      if (method_exists($field, 'form_element_name')) {
        $form_element_name = $field
      $elements[] = $form_element_name;

    // Wrap the output in a views form.
    $form = drupal_get_form(views_form_id($this->view), $this->view, $output);

    // Remove all but the necessary form elements.
    $form = array_intersect_key($form, array_flip($elements));
    if ($encode) {

      // JSON encode placeholders and fields for output in feeds.
      foreach ($form['#substitutions']['#value'] as &$substitution) {
        $field_name = $substitution['field_name'];
        $row_id = $substitution['row_id'];

        // If the field exists for the row.
        if (isset($form[$field_name][$row_id])) {

          // Render and json encode the the field for the row.
          $form[$field_name][$row_id] = array(
            '#markup' => trim(drupal_json_encode(drupal_render($form[$field_name][$row_id])), '"'),
        $substitution['placeholder'] = trim(drupal_json_encode($substitution['placeholder']), '"');

    // Perform the replacement.
    $output = theme('views_form_views_form', array(
      'form' => $form,
  return $output;