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views-views-geojson-style.tpl.php in Views GeoJSON 6


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 * @file
 * Default template for the Views GeoJSON style plugin using the simple format
 * Variables:
 * - $view: The View object
 * - $features: Features data to be serialized as GeoJSON
 * - $options: Array of options for this style
 * @ingroup views_templates
$options = $view['options'];
$features = $view['features'];
$jsonp_prefix = $options['jsonp_prefix'];
$features_collection = array(
  'type' => 'FeatureCollection',
  'features' => $features,
if ($view->override_path) {

  // We're inside a live preview where the GeoJSON is pretty-printed.
  $json = _views_geojson_encode_formatted($features_collection);
  if ($jsonp_prefix) {
    $json = "{$jsonp_prefix}({$json})";
  print "<code>{$json}</code>";
else {
  $json = drupal_json($features_collection);
  if ($jsonp_prefix) {
    $json = "{$jsonp_prefix}({$json})";
  if ($options['using_views_api_mode']) {

    // We're in Views API mode.
    print $json;
  else {

    // We want to send the JSON as a server response so switch the content
    // type and stop further processing of the page.
    $content_type = $options['content_type'] == 'default' ? 'application/json' : $options['content_type'];
    drupal_set_header("Content-Type: {$content_type}; charset=utf-8");
    print $json;

    //Don't think this is needed in .tpl.php files: module_invoke_all('exit');