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function viewsFieldViewTestCase::testFieldHandlerMethods in Views Field View 7

Test field handler methods in a unit test like way.


tests/views_field_view.test, line 111
Contains the test for views_field_view


@file Contains the test for views_field_view


function testFieldHandlerMethods() {
  $field_handler = new views_field_view_handler_field_view();

  // Test the split_tokens() method.
  $result = $field_handler
  $expected = array(
    ->assertEqual($result, $expected, 'The token string has been split correctly (",").');
  $result = $field_handler
    ->assertEqual($result, $expected, 'The token string has been split correctly ("/").');
  $result = $field_handler
  $expected = array(
    ->assertEqual($result, $expected, 'The token string has been split correctly ("/").');

  // Test the get_token_argument() method.
  $result = $field_handler
  $expected = array(
    'type' => '!',
    'arg' => 'uid',
    ->assertEqual($result, $expected, 'Correct token argument info processed ("!").');
  $result = $field_handler
  $expected = array(
    'type' => '%',
    'arg' => 'uid',
    ->assertEqual($result, $expected, 'Correct token argument info processed ("%").');
  $result = $field_handler
  $expected = array(
    'type' => '',
    'arg' => 'uid',
    ->assertEqual($result, $expected, 'Correct token argument info processed.');

  // Test the token values from a view.
  $view = $this
  $results = $view->result;

  // Add a value to args, just for the purpose of the !1 token to get a value
  // from but not affecting the query.
  $view->args = array(

  // Test all the results.
  foreach ($results as $values) {
    $map = array(
      '[!title]' => $values->node_title,
      '[title]' => $values->node_title,
      '!1' => 5,
      'static' => 'static',

    // @todo Test the last_render % output.
    foreach ($map as $token => $value) {
      $processed_value = $field_handler
        ->get_token_value($token, $values, $view);
        ->assertIdentical($value, $processed_value, format_string('Expected @token token output', array(
        '@token' => $token,