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private function Excel_XML::add2dRow in Views Excel Export 7

Add 2d array as row

Adds a single row to the document. If set to true, self::bConvertTypes checks the type of variable and returns the specific field settings for the cell.


array $array One-dimensional array with row content:

int $max_inner_elements max subrows in row:

1 call to Excel_XML::add2dRow()
Excel_XML::add3dArray in libs/php-excel.class.php
Add an array to the document


libs/php-excel.class.php, line 146


Generating excel documents on-the-fly from PHP5


private function add2dRow($array, $max_inner_elements) {
  $cells = "";
  $array = array_values($array);
  for ($i = 0; $i < $max_inner_elements; $i++) {
    $row = "<Row>\n";
    $cells = '';
    for ($j = 0; $j < count($array); $j++) {
      if (is_array($array[$j])) {
        $type = 'String';
        if (isset($array[$j][$i]) && $this->bConvertTypes === true && is_numeric($array[$j][$i])) {
          $type = 'Number';
        if (isset($array[$j][$i]) && !isset($array[$j + 1][$i]) && $max_inner_elements - count($array[$j]) > 0) {
          $cells .= "<Cell ss:MergeDown=\"" . ($max_inner_elements - count($array[$j])) . "\" ><Data ss:Type=\"{$type}\">" . $array[$j][$i] . "</Data></Cell>\n";
        elseif (isset($array[$j][$i])) {
          $cells .= "<Cell " . ($i > 0 ? 'ss:Index="' . ($j + 1) . '" ' : '') . " ><Data ss:Type=\"{$type}\">" . $array[$j][$i] . "</Data></Cell>\n";
      elseif ($i == 0) {
        $type = 'String';
        if ($this->bConvertTypes === true && is_numeric($array[$j])) {
          $type = 'Number';
        $cells .= "<Cell ss:MergeDown=\"" . ($max_inner_elements - 1) . "\"><Data ss:Type=\"{$type}\">" . $array[$j] . "</Data></Cell>\n";


        //$cells .= "<Cell><Data ss:Type=\"String\"> </Data></Cell>";
    $row .= $cells;
    $row .= "</Row>\n";
    $this->lines[] = $row;