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Functions in Views Datasource 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_views_xhtml_is_date ./views_xhtml.module If input is a serialized date array, return a date string
_views_xhtml_render_fields ./views_xhtml.module Takes each field from a row object and renders the field as determined by the field's theme 1
_views_xhtml_render_multiple_field ./views_xhtml.module We almost duplicate the content_handler_field_multiple::render function to get the multiple rendered field values in an array 1
_views_xhtml_strip_illegal_xml_attribute_value_chars ./views_xhtml.module Replaces illegal characters in a attribute value string with their encoded entities as well as the " char.
_views_xhtml_strip_illegal_xml_name_chars ./views_xhtml.module Strips characters not matching the xhtml Name production:
_views_xml_debug_stop ./views_xml.module may never be used as the properly rendered date strings are available function views_xml_is_date($input) { if (strpos($input, 'a:3:{s:5:"month"') !== 0) { return $input; } else { // serialized date array $date =…
_views_xml_format_author ./views_xml.module Creates an author object to use in the headers of OPML and Atom documents 2
_views_xml_render_fields ./views_xml.module Takes each field from a row object and renders the field as determined by the field's theme 1
_views_xml_render_multiple_field ./views_xml.module We almost duplicate the content_handler_field_multiple::render function to get the multiple rendered field values in an array 1
_views_xml_strip_illegal_xml_attribute_value_chars ./views_xml.module Replaces illegal characters in a attribute value string with their encoded entities as well as the " char. 2
_views_xml_strip_illegal_xml_name_chars ./views_xml.module Strips characters not matching the XML Name production: 5
_views_xml_xmlEntities ./views_xml.module 1


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