14 calls to ViewsDataExportExporterBaseTest::executeFullWrite() in Views data export 7.4
- CSVExportViewsDataExportExporterTests::testEncodingOptions in tests/
exporter_tests/ csv.test - Test encoding options.
- CSVExportViewsDataExportExporterTests::testHTMLOptions in tests/
exporter_tests/ csv.test - Test the HTML escaping option.
- CSVExportViewsDataExportExporterTests::testNewLineOptions in tests/
exporter_tests/ csv.test - Test the newline replacement option.
- CSVExportViewsDataExportExporterTests::testQuoteOptions in tests/
exporter_tests/ csv.test - CSVExportViewsDataExportExporterTests::testSeparatorOptions in tests/
exporter_tests/ csv.test - Test out the exporter separator option with a few different characters.
- CSVExportViewsDataExportExporterTests::testTrim in tests/
exporter_tests/ csv.test - Test the whitespace trim function
- DOCExportViewsDataExportExporterTests::testBodyWrite in tests/
exporter_tests/ doc.test - Test that content rows are written correctly.
- TXTExportViewsDataExportExporterTests::testBodyWrite in tests/
exporter_tests/ txt.test - Test that content rows are written correctly.
- XLSXExportViewsDataExportExporterTests::testBodyWrite in tests/
exporter_tests/ xlsx.test - Test row/body writing.
- XMLExportViewsDataExportExporterTests::testBodyWrite in tests/
exporter_tests/ xml.test - Test that rows are written correctly.
- XMLExportViewsDataExportExporterTests::testCData in tests/
exporter_tests/ xml.test - Test that fields can be correctly escaped in CDATA tags.
- XMLExportViewsDataExportExporterTests::testEntityEncode in tests/
exporter_tests/ xml.test - Test the entity encoding options.
- XMLExportViewsDataExportExporterTests::testTagValidity in tests/
exporter_tests/ xml.test - Test that tags always come out valid.
- XMLExportViewsDataExportExporterTests::testTransform in tests/
exporter_tests/ xml.test - Test the space character swap-out options.