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function views_current_path_views_handler_field_current_path::options_form in Views Current Path (Global: Current Path) 7

Default options form provides the label widget that all fields should have.

Overrides views_handler_field::options_form


handlers/, line 37
Definition of views_handler_field_current_path.


Views field handler for current path.


function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $alias_required_message = module_exists('path') ? '' : '<em>' . t('Note: the Path module must be enabled for the "Alias" options to work.') . '</em>';

  // Determine the URL prefix.
  global $base_url;
  $url_options = array();
  if (function_exists('locale_language_url_rewrite_url')) {
    $url_current_path = url(current_path());
    locale_language_url_rewrite_url($url_current_path, $url_options);
  $raw_relative_prefix = base_path() . (isset($url_options['prefix']) ? $url_options['prefix'] : '');
  $raw_absolute_prefix = $base_url . $raw_relative_prefix;
  $raw_example = 'node/215';
  $alias_example = 'pages/example-path';
  $query_string_example = '?nid=357&tid=271';
  $query_string_valid_path_example = '[current_path]tid=[tid]';
  $query_string_invalid_path_example = '[current_path]?tid=[tid]';
  $form['path_format'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Output style'),
    '#description' => $alias_required_message,
    '#options' => array(
      'raw-internal' => t('Raw internal path (e.g. @example)', array(
        '@example' => $raw_example,
      'raw-relative' => t('Raw relative URL (e.g. @example)', array(
        '@example' => $raw_relative_prefix . $raw_example,
      'raw-absolute' => t('Raw absolute URL (e.g. @example)', array(
        '@example' => $raw_absolute_prefix . $raw_example,
      'alias-internal' => t('Alias internal path (e.g. @example)', array(
        '@example' => $alias_example,
      'alias-relative' => t('Alias relative URL (e.g. @example)', array(
        '@example' => $raw_relative_prefix . $alias_example,
      'alias-absolute' => t('Alias absolute URL (e.g. @example)', array(
        '@example' => $raw_absolute_prefix . $alias_example,
      'query-only' => t('Query string only (e.g. @example)', array(
        '@example' => $query_string_example,
    '#default_value' => $this->options['path_format'],
  $form['qs_support_fieldset'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Query string support'),
    '#dependency' => array(
      'radio:options[path_format]' => array(
  $qs_message = '<p>' . t('Query strings are included in the') . ' "<strong>' . t('Alias relative URL') . '</strong>" ' . t('output style.') . '</p>';
  $qs_message .= '<p>' . t('Use query string support when creating a Views path link rewrite and a query string is to be included. ');
  $qs_message .= t('For example, if building a link such as "@example" with multiple key-value pairs, the "concatentate" option would be required. ', array(
    '@example' => $raw_relative_prefix . $alias_example . $query_string_example,
  $qs_message .= '</p><p><em>' . t('Note: If using this feature, do not include a question mark (?) in the Views path link rewrite. ');
  $qs_message .= t('A proper rewrite for query string support would be "@example_valid", and not "@example_invalid". ', array(
    '@example_valid' => $query_string_valid_path_example,
    '@example_invalid' => $query_string_invalid_path_example,
  $qs_message .= t('A question mark will be added by the module if necessary.') . '</em></p>';
  $form['qs_support_fieldset']['query_string_support'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Select an option'),
    '#options' => array(
      'bypass-query-string' => t('Bypass query string support'),
      'remove-query-string' => t('Remove existing query string on the current path'),
      'replace-query-string' => t('Replace existing query string on the current path with values passed through path rewrite'),
      'concat-query-string' => t('Concatenate existing query string on the current path with values passed through the path rewrite'),
    '#description' => $qs_message,
    '#default_value' => $this->options['qs_support_fieldset']['query_string_support'],
  $form['view_edit_notice'] = array(
    '#markup' => '<p>Note: ' . t('The placeholder @placeholder will be used for the field value while editing the view.', array(
      '@placeholder' => '[' . $this->options['id'] . ']',
    )) . '</p>',
  parent::options_form($form, $form_state);