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function views_content_cache_plugin_cache::option_definition in Views content cache 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 views/ \views_content_cache_plugin_cache::option_definition()

Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here.

@code 'option_name' => array(

  • 'default' => default value,
  • 'translatable' => (optional) TRUE/FALSE (wrap in t() on export if true),
  • 'contains' => (optional) array of items this contains, with its own defaults, etc. If contains is set, the default will be ignored and assumed to be array().
  • 'bool' => (optional) TRUE/FALSE Is the value a boolean value. This will change the export format to TRUE/FALSE instead of 1/0.
  • 'export' => (optional) FALSE or a callback for special export handling if necessary.
  • 'unpack_translatable' => (optional) callback for special handling for translating data within the option, if necessary.


Return value

array Returns the options of this handler/plugin.

Overrides views_object::option_definition

See also





views/, line 13
Provides the Views content cache, views cache plugin.


Simple caching of query results for Views displays. Includes listening for changes/posts/deletions of certain node types.


function option_definition() {
  $options = parent::option_definition();
  $options['results_min_lifespan'] = array(
    'default' => 0,
  $options['results_max_lifespan'] = array(
    'default' => 21600,
  $options['output_min_lifespan'] = array(
    'default' => 0,
  $options['output_max_lifespan'] = array(
    'default' => 21600,
  $options['keys'] = array(
    'default' => array(),
  return $options;