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13 calls to _views_bulk_operations_get_field() in Views Bulk Operations (VBO) 7.3

views_bulk_operations_adjust_selection in ./views_bulk_operations.module
Batch API callback: loads the view page by page and enqueues all items.
views_bulk_operations_config_form in ./views_bulk_operations.module
Multistep form callback for the "configure" step.
views_bulk_operations_confirm_form in ./views_bulk_operations.module
Multistep form callback for the "confirm" step.
views_bulk_operations_drush_execute in ./
Implementation of 'vbo execute' command.
views_bulk_operations_drush_list in ./
Implementation of 'vbo list' command.
views_bulk_operations_form_alter in ./views_bulk_operations.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
views_bulk_operations_form_submit in ./views_bulk_operations.module
Submit handler for all steps of the VBO multistep form.
views_bulk_operations_form_validate in ./views_bulk_operations.module
Validation callback for the first step of the VBO form.
views_bulk_operations_views_list in ./
Lists all available VBO Views and their displays. Naturally, only the displays that contain a VBO field are listed.
views_bulk_operations_views_post_build in ./views_bulk_operations.module
Implements hook_views_post_build().
_views_bulk_operations_modify_action_get_bundles in actions/
Returns all bundles for which field widgets should be displayed.
_views_bulk_operations_rules_get_entity_type in ./
Helper function that loads and builds (but doesn't execute) the specified view, then determines the entity type on which the VBO field operates.
_views_bulk_operations_rules_get_field in ./
Helper function that loads, builds and executes the specified view, then returns its VBO field.