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ViewsBulkOperationsKernelTestBase.php in Views Bulk Operations (VBO) 8.3


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namespace Drupal\Tests\views_bulk_operations\Kernel;

use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;
use Drupal\Tests\node\Traits\NodeCreationTrait;
use Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType;
use Drupal\user\Entity\User;
use Drupal\views\Views;
use Drupal\language\Entity\ConfigurableLanguage;
use Drupal\views_bulk_operations\ViewsBulkOperationsBatch;

 * Base class for Views Bulk Operations kernel tests.
abstract class ViewsBulkOperationsKernelTestBase extends KernelTestBase {
  use NodeCreationTrait {
    getNodeByTitle as drupalGetNodeByTitle;
    createNode as drupalCreateNode;

  // To be removed.
  const TEST_NODES_COUNT = 10;
  const VBO_DEFAULTS = [
    'list' => [],
    'display_id' => 'default',
    'preconfiguration' => [],
    'batch' => TRUE,
    'arguments' => [],
    'exposed_input' => [],
    'batch_size' => 10,
    'relationship_id' => 'none',
    'exclude_mode' => FALSE,
    'clear_on_exposed' => FALSE,

   * Test node types already created.
   * @var array
  protected $testNodesTypes;

   * Test nodes data including titles and languages.
   * @var array
  protected $testNodesData;

   * VBO views data service.
   * @var \Drupal\views_bulk_operations\Service\ViewsBulkOperationsViewDataInterface
  protected $vboDataService;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {
      ->installSchema('node', 'node_access');
      ->installSchema('system', 'sequences');
      ->installSchema('system', 'key_value_expire');
    $user = User::create();

    // Get time and VBO view data services.
    $this->time = $this->container
    $this->vboDataService = $this->container

   * Create some test nodes.
   * @param array $test_node_data
   *   Describes test node bundles and properties.
   * @see Drupal\Tests\views_bulk_operations\Kernel\ViewsBulkOperationsDataServiceTest::setUp()
  protected function createTestNodes(array $test_node_data) {
    $this->testNodesData = [];
    foreach ($test_node_data as $type_name => $type_data) {
      $type = NodeType::create([
        'type' => $type_name,
        'name' => $type_name,
      $count_languages = isset($type_data['languages']) ? count($type_data['languages']) : 0;
      if ($count_languages) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count_languages; $i++) {
          $language = ConfigurableLanguage::createFromLangcode($type_data['languages'][$i]);
          ->setEnabled('node', $type_name, TRUE);

        // $this->container->get('entity_type.manager')->clearCachedDefinitions();

      // Create some test nodes.
      $time = $this->time
      if (!isset($type_data['count'])) {
        $type_data['count'] = 10;
      for ($i = 0; $i < $type_data['count']; $i++) {
        $time -= $i;
        $title = 'Title ' . $i;
        $node = $this
          'type' => $type_name,
          'title' => $title,
          'sticky' => FALSE,
          'created' => $time,
          'changed' => $time,
          ->id()]['en'] = $title;
        if ($count_languages) {

          // It doesn't really matter to which languages we translate
          // from the API point of view so some randomness should be fine.
          $langcode = $type_data['languages'][rand(0, $count_languages - 1)];
          $title = 'Translated title ' . $langcode . ' ' . $i;
          $translation = $node
            ->addTranslation($langcode, [
            'title' => $title,
            ->id()][$langcode] = $title;

   * Initialize and return the view described by $vbo_data.
   * @param array $vbo_data
   *   An array of data passed to VBO Processor service.
   * @return \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable
   *   The view object.
  protected function initializeView(array $vbo_data) {
    if (!($view = Views::getView($vbo_data['view_id']))) {
      throw new \Exception('Incorrect view ID provided.');
    if (!$view
      ->setDisplay($vbo_data['display_id'])) {
      throw new \Exception('Incorrect view display ID provided.');
    $view->built = FALSE;
    $view->executed = FALSE;
    return $view;

   * Get a random list of results bulk keys.
   * @param array $vbo_data
   *   An array of data passed to VBO Processor service.
   * @param array $deltas
   *   Array of result rows deltas.
   * @return array
   *   List of results to process.
  protected function getResultsList(array $vbo_data, array $deltas) {

    // Merge in defaults.
    $vbo_data += static::VBO_DEFAULTS;
    $view = $this
    if (!empty($vbo_data['arguments'])) {
    if (!empty($vbo_data['exposed_input'])) {
      ->init($view, $view
      ->getDisplay(), $vbo_data['relationship_id']);
    $list = [];
    $base_field = $view->storage
    foreach ($deltas as $delta) {
      $entity = $this->vboDataService
      $list[] = [
    return $list;

   * Execute an action on a specific view results.
   * @param array $vbo_data
   *   An array of data passed to VBO Processor service.
  protected function executeAction(array $vbo_data) {

    // Merge in defaults.
    $vbo_data += static::VBO_DEFAULTS;
    $view = $this
    $view->get_total_rows = TRUE;

    // Get total rows count.
      ->init($view, $view
      ->getDisplay(), $vbo_data['relationship_id']);
    $vbo_data['total_results'] = $this->vboDataService

    // Get action definition and check if action ID is correct.
    $action_definition = $this->container
    if (!isset($vbo_data['action_label'])) {
      $vbo_data['action_label'] = (string) $action_definition['label'];

    // Account for exclude mode.
    if ($vbo_data['exclude_mode']) {
      $vbo_data['exclude_list'] = $vbo_data['list'];
      $vbo_data['list'] = [];

    // Populate entity list if empty.
    if (empty($vbo_data['list'])) {
      $context = [];
      do {
        $context['finished'] = 1;
        $context['message'] = '';
        ViewsBulkOperationsBatch::getList($vbo_data, $context);
      } while ($context['finished'] < 1);
      $vbo_data = $context['results'];
    $summary = [
      'messages' => [],

    // Execute the selected action.
    $context = [];
    do {
      $context['finished'] = 1;
      $context['message'] = '';
      ViewsBulkOperationsBatch::operation($vbo_data, $context);
      if (!empty($context['message'])) {
        $summary['messages'][] = (string) $context['message'];
    } while ($context['finished'] < 1);

    // Add information to the summary array.
    $summary += [
      'operations' => array_count_values($context['results']['operations']),
    return $summary;



Namesort descending Description
ViewsBulkOperationsKernelTestBase Base class for Views Bulk Operations kernel tests.