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views_bulk_operations.views.schema.yml in Views Bulk Operations (VBO) 4.0.x



View source
  1. views.field.views_bulk_operations_bulk_form:
  2. type: views_field
  3. label: 'Views Bulk Operations'
  4. mapping:
  5. batch:
  6. type: boolean
  7. label: 'Process selected entities in a batch operation'
  8. batch_size:
  9. type: integer
  10. label: 'Size of the processing batch'
  11. form_step:
  12. type: boolean
  13. label: 'Display configuration form on a separate page'
  14. buttons:
  15. type: boolean
  16. label: 'Display action options as buttons'
  17. action_title:
  18. type: string
  19. label: 'Title of the action selector form element'
  20. clear_on_exposed:
  21. type: boolean
  22. label: 'Clear selection when exposed filters change'
  23. force_selection_info:
  24. type: boolean
  25. label: 'Should the selection information always be displayed?'
  26. selected_actions:
  27. type: sequence
  28. label: 'Selected actions data array'
  29. sequence:
  30. type: mapping
  31. mapping:
  32. action_id:
  33. type: string
  34. label: 'Action plugin ID'
  35. preconfiguration:
  36. label: 'Configuration array for the plugin'
  37. type: views_bulk_operations.action_config.[%parent.action_id]
  38. views_bulk_operations.action_config.*:
  39. type: views_bulk_operations_action_config
  40. label: 'Default'