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function ViewsBaseUrlMultilingualTestCase::testLanguageBasedUrl in Views base url 7

Test whether the links are created based on site's default language.


tests/views_base_url.test, line 163
Views base url test functions.




function testLanguageBasedUrl() {
  $languages = language_list();
    ->assertResponse(200, t('Page is accessible when language not provided'));
    ->assertLinkByHref($languages['de']->prefix . '/views-base-url-test', 0, t('Link available to switch to another language of the page'));
    ->drupalGet('views-base-url-test', array(
    'language' => $languages['en'],
    ->assertResponse(200, t('Page is accessible in site\'s default language'));
    ->assertLinkByHref($languages['de']->prefix . '/views-base-url-test', 0, t('Link available to switch to another language of the page'));
    ->drupalGet('views-base-url-test', array(
    'language' => $languages['de'],
    ->assertResponse(200, t('Page is accessible in another language'));
    ->assertLinkByHref($languages['en']->prefix . '/views-base-url-test', 0, t('Link available to switch to another language of the page'));