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public function views_aggregator_plugin_style_table::pre_render in Views Aggregator Plus 7

Overrides pre_render().

Note that this class being a views_plugin, rather than a views_handler, it does not have a post_execute() function.

This function applies to the currently visible page only. If paging is enabled for this display view->result may only contain part of the entire result set.


array $results: The results returned from the database query.

Overrides views_plugin_style::pre_render


views/, line 277


Style plugin to render each item as a row in a table.


public function pre_render($results) {
  if (isset($this->view->is_temp_views_aggregator)) {
  if (empty($this->view->result)) {
  $functions = $this
  $show_global_totals_with_pager = empty($this->options['column_aggregation']['totals_per_page']) && !empty($this->view->total_rows);
  if ($show_global_totals_with_pager) {
    $view_without_pager = $this
      ->execute_view_without_pager($this->view, $this->view->current_display);

    // First apply the row filters (if any), then aggregate the columns.

    // Only interested in column aggregation, so only 'column' group needed.
    $column_group = array(
      'column' => array(),
    foreach ($view_without_pager->result as $num => $row) {
      $column_group['column'][$num] = $row;
    $totals = $view_without_pager->style_plugin
      ->execute_aggregation_functions($column_group, $functions);
    $this->view->totals = $this

  // Because we are going to need the View results AFTER token replacement,
  // we render the result set here. This is NOT duplication of CPU time,
  // because render_fields(), if called for a second time, will do nothing
  // when $this->rendered_fields has been populated already.
  // render_fields() will puts currency signs in front of moneys, embeds node
  // and taxonomy term references in hyperlinks etc.

  // Apply the row filters first, then aggregate the groups.
  $groups = $this
  $values = $this
    ->execute_aggregation_functions($groups, $functions);

  // Write group aggregation results into the View results.
    ->set_aggregated_group_values($groups, $values);
  if (empty($this->view->totals)) {

    // If not already set above, write the column aggregation result row on
    // the View object. This row will be rendered via
    // template_preprocess_views_aggregator_results_table().
    $this->view->totals = $this

  // With the aggregation functions now complete, destroy rows not part of the
  // aggregation.

  // Sort the table based on the selected sort column, i.e. $this->active.
  if (isset($this->active)) {

    // To aid in sorting, add the row's index to each row object.
    foreach ($this->view->result as $num => $row) {
      $this->view->result[$num]->num = $num;
    uasort($this->view->result, array(