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public function views_aggregator_plugin_style_table::build_sort_post in Views Aggregator Plus 7

Records the "active" field, i.e. the column clicked to be sorted.

Also records the sort order ('asc' or 'desc'). This is identical to views_plugin_style_table::build_sort_post(), except for the last statement, which has a condition added.

Overrides views_plugin_style_table::build_sort_post


views/, line 982


Style plugin to render each item as a row in a table.


public function build_sort_post() {
  if (!isset($_GET['order'])) {

    // Check for a 'default' clicksort. If there isn't one, exit gracefully.
    if (empty($this->options['default'])) {
    $sort = $this->options['default'];
    if (!empty($this->options['info'][$sort]['default_sort_order'])) {
      $this->order = $this->options['info'][$sort]['default_sort_order'];
    else {
      $this->order = !empty($this->options['order']) ? $this->options['order'] : 'asc';
  else {
    $sort = $_GET['order'];

    // Store the $order for later use.
    $this->order = !empty($_GET['sort']) ? strtolower($_GET['sort']) : 'asc';

  // If a sort we don't know about gets through, exit gracefully.
  if (empty($this->view->field[$sort])) {

  // Ensure $this->order is valid.
  if ($this->order != 'asc' && $this->order != 'desc') {
    $this->order = 'asc';

  // Store the $sort and sortable flag for later use.
  $this->active = $sort;

  //$this->sortable = $this->options['info'][$sort]['sortable'];

  // Tell the field to click-sort, but only if it is not a Math Expression or
  // a field not aggregated, in which cases sorting will be dealt with in
  // $this->pre_render().
  // This is here predominantly to avoid notices from ViewsPHP, but also
  // makes normal column sorting more efficient by not adding any unnecessary
  // WHERE-clauses, if paging is OFF.
  // @todo Refine this logic
  if (!is_a($this->view->field[$sort], 'views_handler_field_math')) {