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protected function ViewsUiBaseViewsWizard::build_form_style in Views (for Drupal 7) 7.3

Build the part of the form that builds the display format options.

3 calls to ViewsUiBaseViewsWizard::build_form_style()
ViewsUiBaseViewsWizard::build_form in plugins/views_wizard/views_ui_base_views_wizard.class.php
For AJAX callbacks to build other elements in the "show" form.
ViewsUiCommentViewsWizard::build_form_style in plugins/views_wizard/views_ui_comment_views_wizard.class.php
Build the part of the form that builds the display format options.
ViewsUiNodeViewsWizard::build_form_style in plugins/views_wizard/views_ui_node_views_wizard.class.php
Build the part of the form that builds the display format options.
2 methods override ViewsUiBaseViewsWizard::build_form_style()
ViewsUiCommentViewsWizard::build_form_style in plugins/views_wizard/views_ui_comment_views_wizard.class.php
Build the part of the form that builds the display format options.
ViewsUiNodeViewsWizard::build_form_style in plugins/views_wizard/views_ui_node_views_wizard.class.php
Build the part of the form that builds the display format options.


plugins/views_wizard/views_ui_base_views_wizard.class.php, line 299
Provides the interface and base class for Views Wizard plugins.


A very generic Views Wizard class - can be constructed for any base table.


protected function build_form_style(&$form, &$form_state, $type) {
  $style_form =& $form['displays'][$type]['options']['style'];
  $style = $style_form['style_plugin']['#default_value'];
  $style_plugin = views_get_plugin('style', $style);
  if (isset($style_plugin) && $style_plugin
    ->uses_row_plugin()) {
    $options = $this
    $style_form['row_plugin'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('of'),
      '#options' => $options,
      '#access' => count($options) > 1,

    // For the block display, the default value should be "titles (linked)",
    // if it's available (since that's the most common use case).
    $block_with_linked_titles_available = $type == 'block' && isset($options['titles_linked']);
    $default_value = $block_with_linked_titles_available ? 'titles_linked' : key($options);
    $style_form['row_plugin']['#default_value'] = views_ui_get_selected($form_state, array(
    ), $default_value, $style_form['row_plugin']);

    // Changing this dropdown updates the individual row options via AJAX.
    views_ui_add_ajax_trigger($style_form, 'row_plugin', array(

    // This is the region that can be updated by AJAX. The base class doesn't
    // add anything here, but child classes can.
    $style_form['row_options'] = array(
      '#theme_wrappers' => array(
  elseif ($style_plugin
    ->uses_fields()) {
    $style_form['row_plugin'] = array(
      '#markup' => '<span>' . t('of fields') . '</span>',