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public function views_plugin_display::use_more_always in Views (for Drupal 7) 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 plugins/ \views_plugin_display::use_more_always()
  2. 6.2 plugins/ \views_plugin_display::use_more_always()

Should the enabled display more link be shown when no more items?

2 calls to views_plugin_display::use_more_always()
views_plugin_display::pre_execute in plugins/
Set up any variables on the view prior to execution.
views_plugin_display::render_more_link in plugins/
Render the 'more' link.


plugins/, line 379
Definition of views_plugin_display.


The default display plugin handler. Display plugins handle options and basic mechanisms for different output methods.


public function use_more_always() {
  if (!empty($this->definition['use more'])) {
    return $this
  return FALSE;