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6 calls to views_plugin_display::set_option() in Views (for Drupal 7) 6.2

views_plugin_display::options_submit in plugins/
Perform any necessary changes to the form values prior to storage. There is no need for this function to actually store the data.
views_plugin_display::override_option in plugins/
Set an option and force it to be an override.
views_plugin_display_attachment::options_submit in plugins/
Perform any necessary changes to the form values prior to storage. There is no need for this function to actually store the data.
views_plugin_display_block::options_submit in plugins/
Perform any necessary changes to the form values prior to storage. There is no need for this function to actually store the data.
views_plugin_display_feed::options_submit in plugins/
Perform any necessary changes to the form values prior to storage. There is no need for this function to actually store the data.
views_plugin_display_page::options_submit in plugins/
Perform any necessary changes to the form values prior to storage. There is no need for this function to actually store the data.