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6 calls to ViewExecutable::initDisplay() in Views (for Drupal 7) 8.3

ViewExecutable::access in lib/Drupal/views/ViewExecutable.php
Determine if the given user has access to the view. Note that this sets the display handler if it hasn't been.
ViewExecutable::buildTitle in lib/Drupal/views/ViewExecutable.php
Force the view to build a title.
ViewExecutable::chooseDisplay in lib/Drupal/views/ViewExecutable.php
Get the first display that is accessible to the user.
ViewExecutable::initHandlers in lib/Drupal/views/ViewExecutable.php
Acquire and attach all of the handlers.
ViewExecutable::setDisplay in lib/Drupal/views/ViewExecutable.php
Set the display as current.
ViewExecutable::validate in lib/Drupal/views/ViewExecutable.php
Make sure the view is completely valid.