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public function view::init_localization in Views (for Drupal 7) 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 includes/ \view::init_localization()

Find and initialize the localization plugin.

2 calls to view::init_localization()
view::export in includes/
Export a view as PHP code.
view::process_locale_strings in includes/
Process strings for localization, deletion or export to code.


includes/, line 2142
views_objects Objects that represent a View or part of a view


An object to contain all of the data to generate a view.


public function init_localization() {

  // If the translate attribute isn't set, init the localization plugin.
  if (!isset($this->localization_plugin->translate)) {
    $this->localization_plugin = views_get_plugin('localization', views_get_localization_plugin());

    // If the plugin is still not set, turn off all localization by using the
    // views_plugin_localization_none plugin. This plugin has the translate
    // property set to FALSE, signifying localization should not occur.
    if (empty($this->localization_plugin)) {
      $this->localization_plugin = views_get_plugin('localization', 'none');

    // Init the plugin.

  // Return the value of the translate property. This is set to FALSE if
  // localization is off.
  return $this->localization_plugin->translate;