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11 calls to views_handler_argument::default_actions() in Views (for Drupal 7) 7.3

views_handler_argument::default_action in handlers/
Handle the default action, which means our argument wasn't present.
views_handler_argument::has_default_argument in handlers/
Determine if the argument is set to provide a default argument.
views_handler_argument::needs_style_plugin in handlers/
Determine if the argument needs a style plugin.
views_handler_argument::options_form in handlers/
Build the options form.
views_handler_argument::uses_breadcrumb in handlers/
Determine if the argument can generate a breadcrumb.
views_handler_argument::validate_argument in handlers/
Called by the menu system to validate an argument.
views_handler_argument::validate_fail in handlers/
How to act if validation fails.
views_handler_argument_comment_user_uid::default_actions in modules/comment/
List of default behaviors for this argument if the argument is not present.
views_handler_argument_null::default_actions in handlers/
Override default_actions() to remove actions that don't make sense for a null argument.
views_handler_argument_term_node_tid_depth::default_actions in modules/taxonomy/
Override default_actions() to remove summary actions.
views_handler_argument_term_node_tid_depth_join::default_actions in modules/taxonomy/
Override default_actions() to remove summary actions.