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videojs.tpl.php in Video.js (HTML5 Video Player) 7.3


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 * @file
 * Provide the HTML output of the Video.js video player.
 * Available variables:
 * $items
 *   Array of video or audio items. Each item in the array is an array with
 *   keys:
 *   - uri: URI to the file, like public://myfile.mp4
 *   - filemime: original mime type, like video/mp4
 *   - videotype: resolved mime type
 *   - description: title, if given
 * $tracks
 *   Array of track items, for instance for subtitles, chapters, etc.
 *   Each item in the array is an array with keys:
 *   - uri: URI to the subtitle file
 *   - filemime: mime type of the subtitle file, currently always text/vtt
 *   - kind: one of subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters or metadata
 *   - charset: character set of the file, such as utf-8
 *   - srclang: language code
 *   - description: label for the subtitle
 * $classes
 *   String containing concatenated classes of the video.
 * $attributes
 *   String containing the attributes of the video tag.
 *   Modify the attributes by implementing the hook_preprocess_videojs() hook.
 * @see videojs_preprocess_videojs()
if (!empty($items)) {

  print $attributes;
  ?> class="<?php

  print $classes;

  foreach ($items as $item) {
  <source src="<?php

    print $item['src']['safe'];
    ?>" type="<?php

    print $item['videotype']['safe'];
    ?>" />

  foreach ($tracks as $track) {
    $default = $track['default'] ? ' default="default"' : '';
  <track src="<?php

    print $track['src']['safe'];
    ?>" type="<?php

    print $track['filemime']['safe'];
    ?>" kind="<?php

    print check_plain($track['kind']);
    ?>" label="<?php

    print check_plain($track['label']);
    ?>" srclang="<?php

    print check_plain($track['langcode']);

    print $default;
    ?> />

